Part 5 focuses upon the most unique Person in all of history—Jesus Christ. You will see how His birth, life, death, and resurrection deeply challenge everyone to answer His question “who do you say I am?” We expose all our notions of God, man, divine revelation, justice, and the nature of the physical universe by the way we respond.
Part 5 demonstrates that one cannot know or love Jesus apart from Old Testament revelation given prior to His appearance and from revelation given in creation that dwells in and around each person continually. Starry-eyed, immature converts notwithstanding, one can never really appreciate Jesus in a God-pleasing manner until he looks at Him in a perspective like the framework presented in Parts 2 through 4. The first Christians had this framework; and, as a result, they “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6).
Download the Course Notes PDF for Part 5