Sermons in this series
Thu, Oct 07, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 33 secs
A quick review of the previous years teaching. The Bible’s two-level view of reality versus the pagan one-level view of reality. Jesus Christ poses this question to every human being: “Who do you say that I am?” The necessity for the virgin birth. The virgin birth offends unbelieving man. What unbelieving man has done with the life of Christ.
Thu, Sep 30, 1999
Passage: Romans
Duration: 1 hr 29 mins 38 secs
Thinking scripturally or not. The battle for the mind of the believer. Heaven and hell is the biblical solution to evil. When God created the universe, there was no evil in it. All evil originated because of creature rebellion against the Creator. Unbelief is fragile and has inherent problems (Romans Chapter 1). Sin effects how we think. Questions and answers.
Thu, Jun 10, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 32 mins 49 secs
The infallibility of Christ. Can a perfect person make technical errors? The testing criteria for evaluating a prophet. The inerrancy of Scripture. Critics of the Scripture’s inerrancy relocate inerrancy to concepts, things, men, or institutions. Questions and answers.
Thu, Jun 03, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 24 mins 55 secs
Having a correct image of Who Christ was and how He acted. Jesus Christ was humble toward God, but, in His life, His will was anything but weak. Being “Christ like” does not conform to modern standards of a “healthy personality.” The implications of Christ’s impeccability. In eternity there will be an infinite number of lessons to learn about God. The doctrine of infallibility. Jesus’ historical and scientific claims. Questions and answers.