Sermons in this series
Thu, May 20, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 25 mins 39 secs
Review of the three major implications of kenosis. Jesus Christ is a pure Judge and an empathetic Priest. It is Jesus Christ Who commends people to hell for all eternity. Jesus is the standard for behavior. If our standards for behavior negatively judge His behavior, then our standards must be wrong! The doctrine of impeccability. Questions and answers.
Thu, May 13, 1999
Passage: Hebrews
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins 43 secs
The implications of kenosis. The cardinal virtue of Christianity is humility before God. Christ, in His kenosis, modeled what this humility ought to look like. Christ is eternally subjected to the Father in role, but not essence. This relationship in no way demeans Him. Questions and answers.
Thu, May 06, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 16 secs
Every Christian should know the doctrine of kenosis. Jesus Christ is the model for living the Christian way of life, proving it works. Kenosis disproves that the Christian life was different for Jesus than it is for us. The progressive sanctification of Jesus Christ. The issue of sanctification precedes the issue of sin and suffering. Examples of kenosis as it relates to Christ’s sanctification. Jesus Christ did not cheat, during times of testing, by using His omniscience or omnipotence. Questions and answers.
Thu, Apr 29, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 18 secs
How unbelief handles Jesus Christ (continued). The modern response to the King. How the fallen intellect always distorts and suppresses revelation to avoid accountability to God. Implicit in our hearts, we know our Creator’s voice and don’t require a reason to believe. Unbelief rejects the existence of miracles because miracles violate the certainty of human knowledge, man being the supposed source of that certainty, not God. The agenda of unbelief is to make the world safe for sinners. The Word of God both hardens and softens hearts! The pagan worldview denies there can be any revelation from God. Questions and answers.