Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q3 2019
Ministry notes

This quarter I’ve begun two new projects for the Bible Framework Ministry.
The first project is finally putting the finishing touches on the 45 Lessons on 1 John. The first 11 lessons are now complete with clear handouts and slides. It’s taking a bit longer than I had planned because the posted handouts given out during the series at Fellowship Chapel in 2013 were of poor quality or completely lacking. The slides of many of the lessons are missing from the website and have to be retrieved and cross-correlated with the handouts. These will be helpful tools to those listening to the series on the website
1 John is an important series to provide a New Testament example of Framework truth to complement the Deuteronomy series that provides an Old Testament example. The 1 John series goes beyond the special revelation God gave over the centuries of Old Testament history because it deals with the Incarnation.  Whereas the Trinity is implicit in Old Testament theology [see studies like that of John Metzger, Discovering the Mystery of the Unity of God (Ariel Ministries: San Antonio, TX, 2010)], it forcefully confronts all who take seriously the New Testament record of the Incarnation.
To help us to think about the Trinity in practical terms about our relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I included in this series the work of Dr. Nathan R. Wood, a theology professor and administrator of Gordon College in Massachusetts. In the Introduction to the 1932 edition, G. Campbell Morgan wrote, “Here is a book, startling, challenging, scholarly, sane, courteous.  . . . that will surely make men stop-look-listen. I would like to put a copy first in the hands of every theological student. . . .” Dr. Wood’s book about the implications of the Trinity is entitled The Secret of the Universe: God, Man, and Matter and has been published in many editions over the years. I used the tenth edition published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., reprinted in 1959.
He argues that it is not unreasonable that the Triune Creator has left finite analogies to His unity-plurality in the fundamental structure of the universe and of man made in His image. He writes of the “outer universe” of our physical environment: “To see Him invisibly and yet visibly everywhere in triune Space! To recognize the mighty working of the Triune Master of the world in energy, motion, and phenomena! To feel in the endless generation and procession of Time the presence of Him who is Father, the begotten Son, and the proceeding Spirit!” He writes of the “inner universe” of mankind that “there is something in man which exactly resembles in a finite way the Triunity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit . . . . a likeness in man . . . a vivid evidence of the Original.”
The slides in 1 John include Dr. Wood’s exposition of observable triunities in both man and matter that will help the listener visualize them. I find that these finite analogies not only give us illustrations that defend the Trinity doctrine against the attacks from Islam and the various Arian heresies like Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormonism, but also help us understand better our personal relationship with God.
Because we are studying the writing of the apostle John, I also include in this series some observations from an actual grape vineyard so we better understand Jesus’ use of vineyards in His Upper Room Discourse (John 15).  In his first epistle John continues with the vineyard terminology (the Greek verb meno variously translated “abide”, “continue”) to describe our sanctification relationship with the Lord. Several slides show some features of a vineyard that will help us understand spiritual truths taught throughout the New Testament but especially in John’s writing.
The second project I am working on is reviewing an impressive work by a Chinese couple who spent over two years developing more than 50 lessons from the Framework website to teach their teenage sons. They also tested their illustrated lessons on several groups of Christian parents and high-school aged children. One mother commented after reading and discussing the material, “you’ve made me hungry for the Bible!” If I find that this series accurately portrays Framework theology, I expect within a year you will be able to see it on the Bible Framework website.
Thank you for your continued faithful support by prayer and financial aid. Without that, I could not continue improving the Framework material. We continue to be encouraged by new viewers from Europe and Australia. When queried about good teaching material for fortifying their young people, a friend of mine who works in a special ministry responded, “Go to the Bible Framework website. It’s the best combination of Bible study and apologetics hands down!”


Bayside Community Church
Guest Speaker November 17, 2019 
3333 Bayshore Blvd,
Tampa, FL 33629,
Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM

28th Pre-Trib Study Group
December 11-13, 2019
Sheraton Grand Hotel, Dallas-Ft.Worth
There will be an exhibit for Bible Framework Ministries. If you also attend, please stop by our display and pick up some free Framework materials.

Prayer Requests

Praise to our gracious Lord for the largest enrollment ever at Chafer Seminary.
Thanking our Lord for the ability of those in remote parts of the world to have access to the Framework lessons.
For continued exposure of the BFM website to the global community.

For continued financial support that the teaching materials can be used by the poor, particularly in third-world countries.

For wisdom and good health in creating new materials for the site.

For wisdom and discernment for those developing and reviewing the Framework materials for children.
For the enhancing of the quality of the Framework audio files.
Bible Framework Facebook Page
Bible Framework Website
Copyright © 2019 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401

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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.


Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q2 2019
Ministry notes

As I wind up the Spring Framework Course at Chafer Theological Seminary, I look forward to completing much-needed work on the Bible Framework website. Your feedback, and that of seminary students taking the Framework course, provides the BFM team with valuable information on how we can make the Framework concept more usable for you.

Future revisions will make more clear that the Framework concept is more than a simple chronological study of God's historical revelation. Most users grasp how a chronological approach helps them appreciate the inner coherence of God’s Word as it came through so many human authors  in a wide variety of life situations over so many centuries—obviously a supernatural accomplishment unique in history.

However, as I noted in the Q1 2019 Newsletter, what may not be as obvious is how the Framework approach should stimulate us to proactively bring God’s special verbal revelation into contact with the structure of our created environment which is another form of His revelation—a non-verbal, mute form of revelation of God’s genius. Think of this simple illustration: how could Adam and Eve living in the pre-fall Eden correctly understand which trees were okay to gather fruit from and which one was not? They had to connect the verbal command of God (Genesis 2:16-17) with a specific tree in the Garden.

Why do I repeat what I wrote in the previous newsletter? Because our conservative evangelical community that is so focused on exegetical study of the Word of God with a literal hermeneutic failed to connect the Genesis narrative of creation and subsequent geophysical history of the earth during the controversies of the early 1800s. For nearly a century-and-half we remained passive and reactionary while historical geologists invented the idea of “deep time” to avoid submitting to God’s revelation of recent creation and a young earth. Then Darwin and other biologists decades later built upon this old earth concept to deny the complex stability in plants and animals as evidence of God’s engineering and providential management.

Instead of proactively shaping the methodology to understand our geological and biological environment in the light of Genesis as soon as these studies began at the beginning of the 19th century, our community reactively proposed "adjustments" to the historic understanding of the Genesis narrative. Meanwhile, academia continued for over a century to harden its theory of an old, slowly evolving earth. We conservatives were left behind, finally facing the national embarrassment of the Scopes Trial in 1925.

Thankfully by the late 1950s John Whitcomb, a seminary professor with a knowledge of chemical science, and Henry Morris, a civil engineer specializing in hydraulic flows, grew exasperated with this passivity. They boldly chose to start with Scripture and then fit the observed geological and biological evidence into the biblical framework. When they tried to publish the results of over ten years of research, no dispensational publisher would accept it! Finally, a post-millennial Reformed thinker, Rouses Rushdoony, recognized its significance and prevailed upon Samuel Craig’s Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company to publish it.

Their resulting book, The Genesis Flood, was met with fierce resistance from fellow evangelicals who had grown accustomed to accommodating the Bible to whatever "historical science" claimed. When I researched the erupting controversy for my thesis at Dallas Theological Seminary, one evangelical scientist wrote me, “If I had the blinders on my mind that Morris has on his, I would deny the faith!” Nevertheless now, nearly 60 years later, we have a vigorous creation science community supported adequately enough to accomplish high quality scientific research that has become a significant threat to secular academia’s social and political dominance.

Why do I tell you this story? Because our community again seems passive and reactive, this time against a resurgence of pagan behavior and political agendas that are determined to overthrow all of God’s ordained structures of human society. Individual responsibility for one’s eternal status is submerged in a sea of temporal distractions. Marriage with its inherent binary sexual structure is socially and politically attacked by homosexual and gender-identity activists. Family, with its inherent obligation of male leadership and training of children, is seriously challenged by extreme feminism and statist educational authorities. 

And what do we see in some traditionally conservative evangelical schools and highly visible ministries—groups  that should be taking the lead in articulating science-based, objectively true models of human sexuality and quality education? We discover leadership assuring alumni and other donors that their institutions continue to follow stated doctrinal positions on one hand while on the other hand they accommodate pagan feelings-based sexual claims and politically correct demands of statist educational bureaucracy in their day-to-day administration. 

Here’s my closing exhortation to you Framework students. Pray for wisdom to connect Framework truths to the activities and interests in your life. Years ago a Bible-believing doctoral student in biology recognized from the Framework the pagan nature of evolution. With his PhD he eventually came to head up a creation-oriented biology department at a major university. One of my sons was delighted to take a required biology class from him. Several other early students of the Framework have since become pastors and college professors. One fellow started a badly needed Christian summer camp for teenagers. One young lady from a family immersed in the Framework became a Fulbright scholar, taught in South Korea, later joined the Republican National Committee and successively led the campaign of a conservative woman.  Another young lady attended a well-known law school, became editor of her school’s student law journal, and worked with a Canadian delegation to prevent cessation of aid to countries that insist upon sexual purity. Later as a US Air Force legal aid officer, she became heavily involved in sexual discrimination and assault cases.

God can use you like He did these folks! If you have studied the Framework material, you are likely way ahead of most Christians in your grasp of the Christian faith. Pray that you’ll be ready, if opportunities arise, to graciously but firmly challenge the popular subjective-based notions of sexuality and political correctness.    

A new book recommendation is on the website: 

For Thou Art With Me by Dr. Bruce Baker is one of the finest books I’ve read on death and dying. It was written for the terminally ill and those who love them by a pastor and Bible professor for many years who himself is terminally ill with Lou Gehrig's disease (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, i.e., ALS). He thus writes as one experiencing what he writes about. In only 118 pages Baker explores specific passages of Scripture addressing questions like “Why Are People Afraid to Die?", “How Can I Lose My Fear of Death?”, ”Why Me?”, “Why This?”, and “Why Now?”. Every local church should have copies available for ultimately what we all face (barring the Rapture).

BFM Web (In)sites

We’d like to remind you that as you use the Bible Framework website or DVDs/CDs, we would really appreciate knowing if you have any issues with accessing or playing the audio files. If you’re having an issue, perhaps another user is having a similar issue and by bringing it to our attention, we can try to resolve the problem for you and others.

If you find typos or other errors in the transcripts, please don’t hesitate to pass that information along as well. We do appreciate those of you who have taken the time to notify us if you’ve found something that wasn’t correct.

Submit your comments/suggestions here.

Or contact us here.



Bayside Community Church
Guest Speaker June 2, 2019  and August 11, 2019
3333 Bayshore Blvd,
Tampa, FL 33629,
Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM

Throughout Spring/Summer 2019 I’ll be working on updates for the Bible Framework Ministries website.

Prayer Requests

For continued exposure of the BFM website to the global community.

For wisdom and good health in creating new materials for the site.

For continued financial support that the teaching materials can be used by the poor particularly in third-world countries.

For the development of the Framework materials oriented to elementary through high-school-aged children.

For the enhancing of the quality of the Framework audio files. 

Copyright © 2019 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401

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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.


Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q1 2019
Ministry Notes

The Connection: One of the crucial features of the Framework ministry is to encourage believers to connect what God has spoken to us in His Word—special or verbal revelation—with the world around us, that is, general or mute revelation. Special revelation is what God has spoken to man throughout history so that He could have a personal relationship with us. It was given periodically through direct speech (Mt. Sinai, His words at Jesus’ baptism and at the Mount of Transfiguration, etc.) and indirectly through the Old Testament prophets (to whom “came the Word of the Lord”) and through the New Testament apostles who were guided by the Holy Spirit to give us His message in their writings.

On the other hand, general revelation is mute. It has no words or speech. It needs to be interpreted by us. If our spiritual eyes are open, we can see His handiwork in every area of creation all around us. Think here of David’s message in Psalm 19:1–6 and Paul’s teaching in Acts 17:24–29. Paul tells us in Romans 1:18–32 of the existence of general revelation throughout all creation and the chronological flow of God’s providence over history and our personal lives.

Ever-Fresh Praise. Connecting what God has spoken with what God has made and with what He is doing empowers ever-fresh praise of God if done consistently. But many of us have difficulty doing this because our childhood education taught us to consider every subject matter totally unconnected with the Bible. For most of us it takes a lot of effort over years to overcome these embedded mental habits. So in this issue of the BFM Newsletter I want to challenge us to make connections between a series of observations and the Word of God.

God’s Design of Physical Life. When Darwin wrote a century and a half ago, he had no access to modern observations of the cell. To him it was just a “black box” to quote molecular biologist, Michael Behe. To try to explain obvious design in living creatures, Darwin had to resort to personifying Nature so he could explain obvious design without resorting to the Designer, our Creator. Today, however, with advanced instrumentation we are able to peer into the cell and realize that a fertilized cell is intelligently programmed to grow into an embryo and then into a fully functioning creature. Go to this short video and think biblically about what you are observing. As this newt (salamander) embryo develops under time-lapse micro photography, imagine yourself trying to put sufficient instructions into the tiny first cell to enable it to create a fully functional living creature made of hosts of special cells distinct from the first one! Then read Job 38 and Revelation 4.

Website Updates

Recently we’ve received several inquiries about whether the Bible Framework audio is available via podcast. The answer is YES! In fact, audio for each of the series available on the website (Deuteronomy, 1 John, etc.) is also available via podcast.

Below are the links to subscribe to the Framework podcasts. To listen via podcast, copy and paste the URL(s) listed below into your podcast software (such as iTunes):
Complete 224-lesson Framework podcast

Or, if you’d like smaller “chunks” downloaded due to space limitations, try the Framework podcasts broken into individual parts.
You can also find links for podcasts for the other series on the overview page for each series.

New CD Available for Ordering
The CD with the audio, slides, class notes, and transcripts for the recent Our Relationship with God in 2018: Estranged or Intimate? series is now available for ordering on the website. Order your free copies today!

New Transcripts Available Online
If you’ve been looking for the transcripts for the complete Deuteronomy series, they are now available online for each class in the series—a great way to read about “social justice” from God’s perspective.


Spring Semester: Teaching Christian Framework II at Chafer Seminary

Chafer Seminary Pastors’ Conference, West Houston Bible Church, Seminary business, March 11–13, 2019, presentation of the seminary

Bayside Community Church
Guest Speaker June 2, 2019
3333 Bayshore Blvd,
Tampa, FL 33629,
Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM

Throughout Spring 2019 Charles will be working on updates for the Bible Framework Ministries website.

Prayer Requests

For continued exposure of the BFM website to the global community

For wisdom and good health in creating new materials for the site

For continued financial support that the teaching materials can be used by the poor, particularly in third-world countries. Although not from the third world, here is a recent testimony showing how your support of this ministry is bearing crucial fruit.
“Although my siblings have declined my standing offer to discuss God-related things with them, I am forever trying to persuade them, in my mind, to believe in Jesus. I’ve been painfully aware that they would, no doubt, run circles around me in the discussions I dream of having. But having listened to only a dozen lessons in Charlie’s Framework series, a kernel of confidence is growing in me. I actually think I could contend for my faith with a bit more clarity now. And I’ve only just begun! If I can keep learning and reinforcing what he’s teaching me, who knows where I’ll be in a few months?”

For equipment reliability and time management for our volunteer in California who is working on enhancing the quality of the Framework audio files

For the continued development of the Framework materials oriented to elementary through high-school-aged children
Copyright © 2019 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX 77401

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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.


Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q4 2018
Ministry Notes

During the recent quarter we’ve seen some very encouraging signs that the framework concept of showing the inner coherence of God’s Word continues to bear fruit. In October, I presented the basic events from creation to Mt. Sinai in a 3-day survey format at a church in Wisconsin. A woman school teacher with many years of experience working within the secular agenda of government education expressed her reaction to hearing the framework approach to the Bible: “I feel alive once again!” She realized, perhaps as never before, that the Christian faith has content that applies across every area of life and all the way through into eternity. Nowhere in secular culture can the human heart find rest from the constant conflict between the inner sense of eternity implanted by God (Eccl. 3:11) and the simultaneous sense of alienation from Him. To know one’s origin, one’s purpose, one’s responsibilities, and one’s destiny provided in Jesus Christ is indeed “to feel alive.”

A worker with a well-known evangelistic ministry on college campuses wrote, “Thank you for your labor! [Your website is an] incredible resource to study and transfer as I minister to college students in North Dakota.” Since the 60s it has increasingly become more difficult to reach university-age young people with the gospel. By the time they arrive on the college campus, they have already learned every subject as though God doesn’t exist, or if He does, He is utterly irrelevant to the subject material. On top of that, they have many years of superficial interaction over social media. The Bible, if thought about at all, is seen as merely a religious book in a far periphery of life. As this Christian worker discovered, our website provides a “big picture” view of God’s historic “show-and-tell” program of revelation. And it does so for free!

As some of you know, I teach a shortened, but more intense, version of the framework through Chafer Theological Seminary. Because this seminary uses the Internet rather than the traditional bricks-and-mortar campus, it enables students to receive advanced training while they remain in their local church at significantly reduced cost. One problem over the years has been the lack of students under 35 years of age when decisions to minister full-time or near full-time are best made. However, this Fall semester I have nearly half the class within that age group. And, being closer to contemporary education, they realize crucial truths missing from that education. For his final paper one student—having majored in linguistics at the undergraduate level—is going to examine the Korean and Japanese “orphan” languages as to their connection with the Babel event. Another student trained as a mechanical engineer has proposed creating a video for young people that will show the difference between real science that tests and measures and the totally different “historical” science that builds upon speculation.

Website Updates
Website visitors will find my most recent series—Our Relationship with God in 2018: Estranged or Intimate?—presented in Connecticut over Labor Day weekend. In this study I try to show the line of reasoning about the basic attributes of God starting with biblical revelation as the final authority and then moving to analogous attributes we possess as creatures made in His image. Then I show how the estranging function of human sin seeks to invent idolatrous substitutes for His attributes, and conclude with the blessings to us provided by His attributes. Readers may find in this series a convenient review of basic spirituality. They will also find for the first time that the notes contain specific references to which slides were shown on each topic. We thought that those of you who listen to the audio would like to view the slides on your tablet or computer. Transcripts for this series are also being added with references to the slides. Soon a CD containing all of the files will be available for order as well.

Because this series focuses upon God’s attributes I had our website people add to the series page a short little song that my wife Carol sang to each of our four sons when we put them to bed as infants. Some parents reading this newsletter might find it helpful in creating a restful end of day time with very young children. For parents of older children, some mothers at Sugar Land Bible Church in Houston have used the framework approach to create a very nice website that I hope will lead to more tools for in-home training of children (i.e., Framework for Families).

Please don’t forget the website update form where you can submit suggestions for improvement as well as pointing out to us apparent errors or misstatements. Someone has already pointed out that my references to the Japanese tsunami event stated that it moved the island group eight inches when in fact it moved the group eight feet! This correction makes my point about high-power events on planet earth even more robust. Please submit your content corrections and well as website improvement ideas through this form. We welcome your feedback.


Bayside Community Church,
Guest Speaker, December 30, 2018
3333 Bayshore Blvd
Tampa, FL 33629
Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM.
Recordings of my Bible studies are available through their website.

Chafer Seminary Pastors’ Conference,
March 11–13, 2019
West Houston Bible Church,
1500 West Sam Houston Parkway,
N. Suite 104,
Houston, TX 77043
Presentation regarding the seminary.
Live stream will be available as well as archived presentations.

Throughout Spring 2019 I’ll be working on updates for the Bible Framework Ministries website.

Prayer Requests

For continued exposure of the Bible Framework website to the global community

For wisdom and good health in creating new materials for the site

For continued financial support that the teaching materials can be used by the poor, particularly in third-world countries

For the continued development of the Framework materials oriented to elementary through high-school-aged children

Copyright © 2018 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX 77401

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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q3 2018
Upgrades to the BFM Website

In the Bible Framework newsletter for last quarter we discussed the new Bible Framework website and the new resources available. Over the last few months the folks working in our Houston office have been busy doing upgrades to the BFM website. Here are some of the accomplishments so far.

Missing Lessons “Have Been Found”
This quarter we want to make you aware that the lessons missing from the series (Lessons #26, 63, 87, 92, 103, 177, 183) are now available. Charles Clough has rerecorded those lessons and they are now accessible on the website, along with their transcripts. Why don’t you listen to one of those you haven’t heard today?

Updated DVDs and CDs
We’ve also updated the DVDs and CDs for the Bible Framework to add the new lessons, including MP3 audio files, transcripts, and Course Notes for Part 2.

Order these free updated DVDs and CDs today, or access/download the files from the website.

Oops! Orders Placed in May …
If you placed an online order during the May 2018, please resubmit your order if you haven’t received your materials. We had a software glitch and many of the orders did not come through. Our apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.

Future Plans for the Bible Framework
In our continuing efforts to upgrade the Bible Framework series, we are requesting your help to let us know where you find material that is unclear, needs to be brought up to date, or is inaccurate. We have added a form to the website for you to submit your suggestions/comments.

It would be helpful if you tell us the lesson number, the time marker on the lesson’s audio file, and/or include the text from the paragraph(s) from the transcript. Also please let us know your proposed edit to the material.
We’d like to know if:
  • the explanation is unclear;
  • the material is out of date;
  • there is an error in fact or logic;
  • there is a missing or incorrect Scripture reference;
  • something else needs to be revised.

Additionally, we are trying to improve the Bible Framework series in another way. Currently we have a volunteer in California who is working on enhancing the audio quality of the current lessons. This is a huge undertaking and he needs your prayers. He’s had all sorts of difficulties to overcome in getting the project off the ground. Please pray that the equipment and software he has will function as needed and that he is able to get the “volunteer time” he needs to work on this project.


September 1-3 (Labor-Day weekend)
“Our Relationship with God in 2018: Estranged or Intimate?
A Study of the Character of God as Revealed vs. How Our Neo-Pagan Culture Imagines It to be”

North Stonington Bible Church
100D Jeremy Hill Rd
North Stonington, CT 06359
(860) 535-2872

October 19-21
“An Overview of the Bible Framework”

Grace Bible Church
2939 Country Rd Cx
Portage, WI 53901
(608) 742-5090

Fall Semester at Chafer Theological Seminary
Framework 1 online course (3 credit hours)
Seminary Office: (505) 858-8639
Chafer Theological Seminary
P. O. Box 93580
Albuquerque, NM 87199

NOTE: Few Christians in our conservative Bible-centered churches today realize the urgent need to be training a few spiritually-gifted people within their congregations at a level capable of meeting the serious challenges of a rapidly paganizing culture. Due to cultural and economic reasons well-trained pastors and teachers have become scarce in recent years. At best, churches who lose their pastor or senior teachers are increasingly facing long, agonizing searches for the “right” ones for them. At worst, they face the demise of their traditional Bible-centered ministries. Chafer Seminary has gone to great lengths to find advanced degreed scholars with real pastoral and/or missionary experience willing to teach for little or no compensation. The seminary partners with local churches who want to follow the Paul/Timothy model (2 Tim 2:2).

Prayer Requests
For the website manager as she manages the continuing upgrades to the website.
For equipment reliability (both for her, me and the volunteer who is starting the massive job of redoing all of the audio files).
For Charlie's time management to get 1 John series ready for the website alongside teaching the Framework course at Chafer Seminary.
For exposure of the website to those who are seeking more confidence in their faith.
For Charlie's time to study to prepare messages, for his health, and wisdom in developing his messages
• For Chafer Seminary, Charlie’s leadership, and for young people to see the need for the kind of training Chafer offers.
Copyright © 2018 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX 77401

Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.


Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?

You're receiving this newsletter because you signed up or ordered materials from us.
Q1 & Q2 2018
New Website Launched

First of all, thank you for your prayers on behalf of the new website. If you haven’t been to the Bible Framework website recently and seen the results of your prayers, now’s the time to take a visit and check out the new enhancements and Bible classes:
  • There’s a new URLwww.bibleframework.org (however your bookmarks that go to www.bibleframework.com will still work)
  • We’ve found audio tapes for some of the missing classes. Check out Lessons #63, 92, 103, and #177! More are coming soon …
  • There’s a new search feature that searches all of the transcripts on the website for whatever key word you search on. So if you’d like to find where it was that Charles Clough referenced Queen Hatshepsut (for example), on the search page enter the key word(s) on the page and the search engine will find which lessons he mentioned those key word(s). Follow the directions on the Search page for additional options and information.
  • The Course Notes for the Framework series have been upgraded to include a reference that ties the content to the appropriate lesson. Watch for the related lesson number in the “button” with the cyan text.
  • Now available is the new 1 John series. We will be upgrading the series content with correct titles, slides, notes, and transcripts as we get time to assimilate that information. In the mean time we wanted to make the audio content of these lessons available for those of you who primarily make use of the audio files.
  • Each series now has a podcast associated with it. Just click on the link to the podcast at the top of each series page in your web browser or on your mobile device and select the subscribe option. All lessons within that series will now be available on your device without you having to download them individually. You can download the Framework series in toto (all 224 lessons) or just the lessons within each Part.
  • New items have been added to the course order form.
  • The new website host should provide much more consistent access to the website and the lessons you desire to listen to when you want to access them, 24/7.
The website is still a work in process as we need to add transcripts for several series, but the majority of the content is ready for you to enjoy and aid you in your spiritual growth.
We’d love to hear your feedback on the new site, especially issues you’re having with the site so we can address them and get them fixed. Please fill out the Contact Us form and let us know how we can improve the site.

Your User Feedback is Needed!

As we continue to upgrade the BFM website, we are at the point where we are asking those of you who have used the site in the past year or so for your input on features you would like to see. Our desire is to make the site as user friendly as possible.

We are considering adding a “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) section that would address questions about how to navigate and use the features of the site. We know there are many folks that use the site who are not super proficient with computers and don’t have readily available grandkids to ask how to navigate!

For example, based upon user feedback we realize we need to provide additional information about the format of the CDs we offer. Repeatedly we hear from frustrated users that our CDs don’t work in their vehicles. Many enjoy listening to various audio lessons while commuting back and forth to work or traveling on various trips. The problem: all the audio files on the CDs are in the “mp3” format and do not play in the typical “music CD” equipment used for listening to audio CDs. The Framework CDs can be played on a player designed to play MP3 CDs in your car, which is different from your standard “music CD” player. Some listeners have devised work-arounds where they copy the mp3 files onto their smart phones or tablets and listen via Bluetooth through the speakers in their vehicles. Or, on their mobile device they sign up for the Framework podcast and listen through their car’s speakers. So we know there needs to be an explanation available at the point where folks order CDs.

We’ve come up with some possible topics for the FAQ section:
  • Where is the best place to begin study?
  • How can I download files?
  • What files are available for download?
  • Why don’t you have more studies on specific books of the Bible?
  • If I want to find a specific topic covered in the Framework series, how do I do that?
  • Do you have plans to fill in the missing lessons in the Framework series?
  • How do I access information related to the page numbers that are referenced throughout your lessons?
  • If I contribute, will I receive receipts for income tax purposes?
  • How can I ask a question about a topic or a problem with hearing a lesson?
  • Are there plans to upgrade the Framework series with better notes and audio quality?
  • Are there any plans to publish a print version of the Framework series?
  • What is the status of the material to help parents teach their children the Framework?
  • How do I unsubscribe from the newsletter?
  • How do I subscribe to a podcast?
  • How do I use the new search feature on the website?
  • How do I order large quantities (i.e., over 25) of Framework materials?

What are we missing?
Please send your suggestions to


Bayside Community Church
Guest Speaker May 27, 2018
3333 Bayshore Blvd
Tampa, FL 33629

Adult Sunday School 10 AM
Worship Service 11AM

More Info

Biblical Basis of Marriage and Family
Fri - Sat, June 22-23, 2018
Hoffmantown Church
8888 Harper Dr.
Albuquerque, NM 87111

live stream

Teaching will be by a Chafer Theological Seminary team featuring Dr. Robby Dean, Dr. Andy Woods, and Charles Clough

Special Online Presentation
BFM Newsletter readers might also benefit from listening to the special presentations at the recent Chafer Seminary Pastors’ Conference on the Islamic worldview and strategy to conquer Europe and the US ideologically. From the Chafer Conferences page select 2018 CTS Conference.

Prayer Requests

Praise the Lord for a successful upgrade to the BFM website and the ability to get these study materials into the hands of people around the world.
Copyright © 2018 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

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Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX 77401

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Widespread deception in the culture and thoughtful questions help shape ongoing improvements to the ministry materials.

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In This Issue

  Ministry Updates



Pre-Trib Conference

December 4-6, 2017

Paper Presentation: “How Corrupted Science Produces False Eschatology: A Look at the So-Called Climate Crisis”

Bayside Community Church

Guest speaker February 18, 2018
3333 Bayshore Blvd
Tampa, FL 33629

Adult Sunday School 10 AM
Worship Service 11 AM

More Info

Chafer Seminary Pastors’ Conference

March 12-14, 2018

West Houston Bible Church
1500 W Sam Houston Pkwy N Ste 104
Houston, TX 77043 · (713) 468-0900

Short briefing on Chafer Seminary’s new program and will host a Q & A session about this program for those attending.

image004Prayer Requests

(1) For the students finishing up the “Framework 1’ course at Chafer Seminary during the next month;

(2) to finally get started editing the 1 John series for posting on the website as a New Testament companion to the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy;

(3) for the ladies preparing Framework aids for training within the family;

(4) for successful upgrade to the BFM website; and

(5) upcoming presentations and the reception of teaching by the attendees.



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Quarter 4 — 2017

Ministry Updates

We have some encouraging news for all users of the BFM website. Due to increased use of the site’s downloading capabilities people have recently experienced a frustrating series of site “crashes”—especially in the evening hours when they have time to use it.

The entire website is being redesigned and upgraded by our Houston team. We hope to have the new website operational shortly after the New Year. It will be better organized and have new search capabilities and other enhancements, including some of the missing Framework lessons.

By the summer of 2018 I will have taught the Framework Course four times in person through Chafer Theological Seminary. Each time I have different students with different backgrounds who teach me how better to communicate the key truths of the Bible’s framework of revelation. I hope to parlay the lessons I have learned through this experience as I compose the previously unpublished “Section 1” which will explain the rationale of the framework approach and how it can strengthen one’s faith in the veracity of the Word of God. That is increasingly important as we face more widespread deception in our culture.

Due to some personal financial stresses this year, I have not been able to donate all my honoraria that I receive for my speaking engagements to Biblical Framework Ministries as I customarily have done. This has had a noticeable effect on the ministry’s income for the year. Please pray that the Lord will make up for this decreased income to BFM so that we can continue improving the ministry.

For those who uphold us in prayer and spreading news of our ministry, thank you for enabling us to encourage believers in the veracity of God’s Word. Each month we receive notes and emails from believers who have benefitted from this ministry. Recently, a Christian mother wrote this:

“I am 65. Two years ago, my 43 year old son introduced me to one Bible framework lesson.  . . . I immediately recognized the sovereign truth of what was being taught and had to obtain the course as soon as possible, which I did. Oh how I wish I had this available to me years ago when I was 43! These have become weekly and sometimes daily lessons for me ever since I heard the first one.” 

Sometimes in these notes and e-mails we read special thanksgiving for enabling folks to receive the materials without cost. Other times we are asked important questions that the teaching raises in their minds. I try to answer personally each one. It is the cumulative effect of these interactions that will shape future content of our materials.

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Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401

