Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q3 2024
How the Framework Helps in Thinking about the US Election

The 2024 US Election without question is one of the most crucial in American history

What are the citizenship responsibilities of Bible-believing Christian citizens during an election?

Let’s consult the model of Paul in Acts 16:17–39. The Apostle Paul and his traveling companion, Silas, were Roman citizens and Phillippi was a Roman colony in traditionally Greek territory. Let’s watch what happened. Paul disrupts the business of a demon-possessed slave girl employed by local businessmen who used her as a soothsayer to gain profit. Fearing that her public soothsaying would influence the Philippian public to dismiss his preaching as just another soothsaying business, Paul exercised his biblically based moral authority to cast out the demon. The businessmen thought their business was morally valid and forcibly brought Paul and Silas to the city magistrates.

The city magistrates, perhaps in their fear of inciting a major disturbance in the Roman colony, neglected to find out whether Paul and Silas had Roman citizenship. So, they hastily ordered some of their law enforcement staff to publicly and severely beat them and jail them for disturbing the peace. The jailer probably was a Roman soldier on duty at this Roman colony. The standing orders for a Roman soldier guarding prisoners carried the death penalty if he allowed his prisoners to escape. 

At midnight Paul and Silas worshipped the Lord before the other prisoners. Look what suddenly happened! Lord had designed an amazing earthquake that would take advantage of the complex legality involving incompetent city authorities, two moral codes, the Roman standard operating procedure for a Roman soldier’s responsibility for holding prisoners assigned to him to face lethal punishment, and Paul’s and Silas’s Roman citizenship. The earthquake was so strong that it shook the very foundations of the prison, loosened the cell doors and the shackles that held Paul, Silas, and all the other prisoners. The jailer, realizing that the prisoners would escape, was reaching for his sword to commit suicide. In what must have been a confusing and chaotic situation, Paul and Silas had an opportunity to lead this soldier and his family to Christ.

Now, let’s look at the importance of a believer’s citizenship responsibility. Paul did not simply flee. Instead, he mercifully ministered to the jailer by remaining under his control, relieving him of a suicide attempt. The text tells us how Paul and Silas explained the Word of God to him. The jailer believed the biblical message and his household with him. The jailer invited them into his dwelling, ministered first aid, and was immediately baptized along with his family. 

Then the text tells us how Paul gave us an example of publicly exercising citizenship. When morning arrived, the city magistrates sent some of their law enforcement staff to order the jailer to release the prisoners. The jailer obediently passes on the message to Paul and thoughtfully wishes him traveling mercies. But Paul refuses to leave. He now claims his and Silas’s Roman citizenship rights to the law enforcement officials who had followed the city magistrate’s orders to beat and jail them. Paul then leads what we moderns would call a public sit-in protest, demanding that the city magistrates themselves officially let them out publicly before all onlookers.

Now watch what happens: the law enforcement personnel go back to the city authorities who gave orders to beat and jail Paul and Silas and now to release them. Suddenly the city magistrates realize their mistake of not checking on Paul’s and Silas’s citizenship. Now they fear their sloppy management will get to their Roman bosses. Instead of sending their law enforcement personnel back to Paul, they realize the only way to get rid of Paul and Silas is for them to physically come to the jail and plead with them to halt their “sit-in” demonstration and leave Phillippi. Before Paul and Silas leave, however, they take time to encourage believers, presumably including the jailer and his family.

Our citizenship today:
Unlike Christians who lived in pre-Reformation times, we have explicit Constitutional rights, especially the freedom of speech. Notice the dialog between the authorities of that day and the apostles long before there was any thought of a constitution:
  • “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” The authorities found no way to punish them because of the people. Acts 4:13–31
In the United States there is a major, long-range strategy to shift from an official Constitution with its “checks-and-balances” between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches as well as between the Federal level and the State level. Following the trend begun in Marx’s day, advancing under President Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, and now under the extremist left-wing political leaders—a gradual move is underway to depart from the post-Reformation political design of checks-and-balances which recognized man’s fallen condition, and to move toward a one-world political plan to reach some vague man-made utopia. Of course, we know it is doomed to failure because of its denial of God’s historic revelation in human language and therefore ignorance of the nature of man (both his value as a creature made in God’s image and as a fallen creature who can be cruel also).
  • We should recognize the transcendental infallible authority of the Word of God regardless of the political situation. Only Jesus Christ can bring about the true utopian Kingdom of God—not fallen, finite man.
  • We should exercise our constitutional rights while we still have the Constitution, becoming informed and voting, and if necessary, utilizing one of the many successful Christian legal firms (e.g., Liberty FirstLiberty Counsel, and Alliance Defending Freedom) to support and rely upon when our freedom of speech is challenged by the authorities.
  • We should each have something like the Bible Framework to map out how we live and vote. Unfortunately, the bulk of our national journalism is almost entirely obsessed with the utopian delusions and the “danger” of stubborn Constitutionalism. This is an immoral dereliction of their duty. Compare them to their ancient counterparts in Israel (Ezek. 33:1–6). If the watchman of a city saw an approaching enemy and did not warn the people, the Lord said, “his blood will I require”. Negligence of journalists’ responsibility to warn his readers and listeners would have been a capital crime in Israel.
What’s Happening in Brazil with Artios Ministries?
At Artios Ministries, we wholeheartedly embrace the transformative power of God’s Word. We are deeply committed to the belief that Scripture serves as the foundation for a meaningful walk with Christ. Our mission is to equip pastors and church leaders to study and teach God’s Word verse by verse, following a literal, grammatical, and historical method of interpretation.

We currently have a training center in the city of Natal, located in Rio Grande do Norte, Northern Brazil. At this center, we have established and trained two local leaders who are now helping to train and develop pastors in and around the North of Brazil. Our training process involves five conferences a year, three of which feature a verse-by-verse walk through specific books of the Bible. We provide pastors with the curriculum used during these teachings, translated into their native language, so they can return to their congregations and continue teaching through the various books.

In addition to hands-on Bible study, we bring professors from Chafer Seminary twice a year to teach core courses that further equip pastors in their ability to study and teach God’s Word effectively. Each of these conferences is hosted at our training center, where we provide lodging and meals for the five-day events. During these sessions, we offer over 35 hours of intensive training, remaining with the pastors day and night to disciple, encourage, and train them.

In addition to our center in the North, we are excited to announce the opening of a new training center in Southern Brazil in 2025. We are grateful for the opportunity and all that the Lord is doing with His people in Brazil.

Our Needs
Go: We are in need of faithful men who are willing to teach others and invest in the next generation of church leaders.
Pray: We covet your prayers for wisdom, guidance, and divine provision as we continue in this vital ministry.
Give: Your financial support enables us to sustain and expand our ministry efforts, reaching more pastors and communities with the transformative power of God’s Word. We are 13,000 dollars short of our ministry expansion needs for 2025.

Please mail contributions to:
PO Box 609
Bellaire, TX 77402
Please make checks payable to:
Bible Framework Brazil.

Jeff Phipps 
Jeff is a servant leader passionate about spreading God’s Word, verse by verse, both locally and internationally. He serves as the President of Artios Ministries and the President and Director of Camp Arete, while also holding the position of Vice President at Bible Framework Ministries. Through his servant leadership and dedication, Jeff continues to impact lives and inspire others to embrace the transformative power of God’s Word.

Rui Demasceno 
Pastor Rui holds a ThM in biblical hermeneutics from Bethel Seminary and serves as the pastor of Dunas Bible Church in Natal, Brazil. He is also the Vice President of Artios Ministries and an affiliate missionary with Light in Action, actively spreading the gospel both locally and globally. Rui is a devoted father to Pedro and Zoe and a loving husband to Ariel. Through his servant leadership and commitment, Rui continues to impact lives and inspire others to embrace the transformative power of God’s Word.

Bible Framework at the Seminary Level – Part II
This Spring (beginning January 27, 2025), I will be teaching the Christian Framework II course for Chafer Theological Seminary (CTS). You can take it as either a credit or audit student. This course builds on the concepts taught in the first-semester course and covers mainly New Testament doctrines/framework.

Registration for the course begins January 1 and runs through January 24. This is a hybrid course, which means students will engage in learning through my prerecorded messages plus biweekly classes with me where we will discuss the messages viewed during the previous two weeks and then the application of the Framework to current events, etc.

Celebrating 50 Years of the Bible Framework
Did you know that Charles Clough began developing the Bible Framework materials 50 years ago? Over the years, this concept of studying the Bible and applying biblical concepts to every area of life has impacted thousands of people around the world.

In honor of this milestone, the theme for the 2025 Chafer Theological Seminary Pastors’ Conference is “The Framework at 50.” The conference will be held at West Houston Bible Church (Houston, TX) March 10–12, 2025. More details will be available in the coming months. Please start making plans to attend this free event.

Bible Framework web (in)sites
We’d like to thank you for your continued support through prayer and contributions to the ministry. You are helping us to reach souls hungry for the Bible Framework around the world. In the last couple of years through the Bible Framework websites we’ve received orders for our materials from the following countries: Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, England, Gambia, Germany, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, and, of course, numerous locations throughout the United States. Thank you for helping make it possible to distribute materials to a global audience.

You can order Bible Framework materials on a Flash drive, DVD data disk, or CDs from our website as well.
For the Upcoming Generation
For those of you with children / grandchildren / Sunday School students, etc. who are looking for a family-friendly Bible curriculum (based on the Bible Framework), don’t forget to check out the outstanding Interlocked series developed by Jen and Amos Kwok.

Amos and Jen have added a podcast option which is based on them teaching through the Interlocked materials to a “class” consisting of students from all over the world.

Interlocked is also available in Español (Spanish) and Deutsch (German).

Once again, thank you for your prayers and faithfulness in supporting Bible Framework Ministries.

Prayer Requests
For Charles' overall health and an increase in strength and endurance.

For Carol Clough in managing Charles’ medications and dietary needs to keep him in optimum health – both physically and mentally.

For Charles to formulate new features in Part 1 of the original Bible Framework series that will help users grasp the key features of the Bible Framework approach to the Bible from the beginning.

For Charles as he prepares to teach the Christian Framework course at Chafer Seminary in Spring 2025. For wisdom, time, and energy to update the course materials and impart that wisdom to the students.

For the staff at the West Houston Bible Church who work continuously to manage website issues, respond to orders for the many series available, and order the necessary supplies. They continue to make the entire Bible Framework available on one thumb drive in addition to the traditional sets of multiple DVDs and CDs – all free of cost.
    Download complete Bible Framework Course ZIP file
    Download complete Bible Framework Applied Lessons ZIP file

33rd Annual Pre-Trib Study Group conference
December 9–11, 2024
at the Sheraton-Grand Hotel—DFW Airport, Irving, Texas
The ministry will be represented with a display table. Please stop by and say hello if you’re also attending. This would also be an opportune time to pick up media with the Bible Framework on it for quick access when you don't have an Internet connection. And start brushing up on the Bible Framework prior to the 2025 Chafer Pastors' Conference ...

Chafer Seminary Annual Pastors' Conference
Topic: The Framework at 50
March 10–12, 2024
West Houston Bible Church, Houston, TX


We Love Your Feedback
We are always willing to take your suggestions on how we can improve the Biblical Framework websites (both www.bibleframework.org/ and www.bibleframeworkapplied.org). Please provide your inputs on the Update Requests form.

Bible Framework Facebook Page
Bible Framework Website
Copyright © 2024 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401

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Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q2 2024
Greetings to all friends and supporters of Bible Framework Ministries

Bible Framework Ministry Notes
As I wrote in the 1st Quarter Newsletter, I am working on a new series for the Bible Framework Applied website to provide an added tool for those of you have gone through the Bible Framework course. It is designed to provide you with learning about how to use the Bible Framework in actual practice—a sort of annotated bibliography featuring useful books and videos now available from Christian publishing sites.

I am continuing to build the first tool, reviewing the 10-part video series done in the 1970s and 80s by Francis Schaeffer entitled How Should We Then Live? It provides an example of applying the Bible Framework concept to the historical periods in European and American history (Schaeffer’s video series is available at RedeemTV or on YouTube). I have chosen this series, even though it was put together prior to Schaeffer’s death in 1984, some 40 years ago, because its truths are timeless and it takes us right up to our own times.

On a more personal note, currently, I am coping with edema brought on by my heart failure last August. My wife, Carol, needs prayer also since she is coping with the various medications the cardiologist has prescribed while trying to keep my diet so it doesn’t conflict with the purpose of the medications. Due to Carol’s dedication to my care and the grace of our Lord, I am now able to walk the distance I walked prior to the onset of my health issue.

Bible Framework Brazil
Artios Ministries operates under the Bible Framework Ministries umbrella with the mission to equip church leaders and pastors, empowering and transforming churches in Brazil. We conduct three annual trips, each focusing on a different book of the Bible, which we teach in its entirety during our five days with them.

During these trips, we host pastors in a rented retreat for a five-day immersive conference, providing continuous discipleship and engagement. This approach ensures pastors gain a deep understanding of the Scriptures and how the Bible touches every aspect of daily life. It also provides us with meaningful one-on-one discipleship and encouragement. 

Each retreat includes the comprehensive verse-by-verse curriculum for that conference’s book, translated into Portuguese. Pastors can use this material in their churches to replicate what they have learned and equip their congregations. To date, four churches have changed their ministry philosophy to focus on verse-by-verse teaching, and many others have begun incorporating this method into their Sunday School programs.

In collaboration with Chafer Seminary, we offer courses taught by esteemed professors who come to Brazil, providing a pathway for pastors to receive certification. Currently, these courses are held once a year, but we are working to increase this frequency. The courses are designed to enhance theological knowledge and provide tools for in-depth Scripture study. 

A significant component of our mission is translating the Bible Framework into Portuguese. Utilizing AI, we ensure these teachings are accessible in audio format, em sua língua materna, that is to say, in their native tongue. Our goal is to equip them to mine the riches of Scripture and encourage a profound understanding of the Bible as an interconnected message from God that transforms every aspect of life. 

All work is done on a volunteer basis; we have no paid staff. However, our conference expenses have increased due to significant growth in attendance. This year, our costs have doubled as we have grown from around 30 pastors and leaders per conference to well over 60. Any funds raised are dedicated entirely to the costs of renting the retreat, travel, food, translations, printing, and miscellaneous logistics. Our goal this year is to raise $20,000 through monthly contributions and one-time offerings to meet this annual budget. Despite the generous support we have received, we are currently only at 30% of our goal. 

We invite you to join us in this transformative work by contributing to our mission, ensuring we can continue to equip and empower church leaders in Brazil. We are grateful for any consideration you give to this mighty work that our Lord is doing in Brazil.

Bible Framework at the Seminary Level
This Fall (beginning August 26), I will be teaching the Christian Framework I course for Chafer Theological Seminary (CTS). It will be available for both credit and audit students. Here is a description of the course from the CTS catalog:
  • An examination of the implications of key biblical events with their doctrinal connections from creation to the fall of Israel for philosophy, science, history, language, psychology, politics, education, economics, and social life.
Registration for the course begins August 1 and runs through August 23. This is a hybrid course, which means students will engage in learning through my prerecorded messages plus biweekly classes with me where we will discuss the messages viewed during the previous two weeks and then the application of the Framework to current events, etc.

Bible Framework web (in)sites
We’d like to thank you for your continued support through prayer and contributions to the ministry. You are helping us to reach souls hungry for the Bible Framework around the world. In the last couple of years through the Bible Framework websites we’ve received orders for our materials from the following countries: Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, England, Gambia, Germany, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, and, of course, numerous locations throughout the United States. Thank you for helping make it possible to distribute materials to a global audience.

You can order Bible Framework materials on a Flash drive, DVD data disk, or CDs from our website as well.

For the Upcoming Generation
For those of you with children / grandchildren / Sunday School students, etc. who are looking for a family-friendly Bible curriculum (based on the Bible Framework), don’t forget to check out the outstanding Interlocked series developed by Jen and Amos Kwok.

Amos and Jen have added a podcast option and are offering a new Zoom class to go through Interlocked starting in September 2024.

Interlocked is also available in Español (Spanish) and Deutsch (German).

Once again, thank you for your prayers and faithfulness in supporting Bible Framework Ministries.

Prayer Requests
For Charles to formulate new features in Part 1 of the original Bible Framework series that will help users grasp the key features of the Bible Framework approach to the Bible from the beginning. Also pray for continuing help from his cardiologist to increase his endurance and strength.

For Carol Clough in managing Charles’ medications and dietary needs to keep him in optimum health – both physically and mentally.

For Charles as he prepares to teach the Christian Framework course at Chafer Seminary this Fall. For wisdom, time, and energy to update the course materials and impart that wisdom to the students.

For the staff at the West Houston Bible Church who work continuously to manage website issues, respond to orders for the many series available, and order the necessary supplies. They continue to make the entire Bible Framework available on one thumb drive in addition to the traditional sets of multiple DVDs and CDs – all free of cost.
    Download complete Bible Framework Course ZIP file
    Download complete Bible Framework Applied Lessons ZIP file

We Love Your Feedback
We are always willing to take your suggestions on how we can improve the Biblical Framework websites (both https://www.bibleframework.org/ and https://www.bibleframeworkapplied.org). Please provide your inputs on the Update Requests form.
Bible Framework Facebook Page
Bible Framework Website
Copyright © 2024 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401

Bible Framework Ministries · PO Box 1820 · Bellaire, TX 77401 · USA

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Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q1 2024
Greetings to all supporters of Bible Framework Ministries

New Development

I am now working on a new section for the Bible Framework Ministries Applied website. This site eventually will not only have past conference teaching sessions and other ministry sessions using Framework material, but will also have an annotated bibliography for those who have gone through the Bible Framework and would like some tools on applying Bible Framework content to personal trials and opportunities of life.

I am currently working on the first such tool: a commentary on the amazing 10-part video series done in the 70s and 80s by Francis Schaeffer entitled How Should We Then Live? That series many have said is as useful today as it was 50 years ago in spite of the changes in culture since then. There are many lessons we can learn from how his ministry centered on the Creator and what happens to Western European culture, including American culture, when men choose to go it alone as finite and fallen creatures.

Watching and listening to my commentary should stimulate you to think of new ways to use the Bible Framework material to steer through discussions with unbelievers, helping your children develop a biblical worldview, and growing in your personal relationship with our Lord. I hope to be able to have a gateway for some question, discussion, and answer interchange with you. 

I have finished the first 3 of the 10 sessions and shortly will be recording my comments on them. Please pray for me to avoid daily health distractions and reduce my office library to a manageable size. Currently, I am coping with edema brought on by my heart failure last August. My wife, Carol, needs prayer also since she is dealing with the various medications the cardiologist has prescribed while trying to keep my diet so it doesn’t conflict with the purpose of the medications.

Outreach to Brazil

A report follows from our ministry vice president, Jeff Phipps. He is directing a ministry in northern Brazil in addition to Camp Areté. This ministry is supported in part by Biblical Framework Ministries.

Brazil is a country with a vibrant and growing evangelical church. There is a strong desire among our brothers and sisters to deepen their understanding of the Bible in order to step away from the tradition of the Catholic church, denominational biases rooted in Pentecostal theology, and personal prejudice developed through poor Bible teaching. The church in Brazil wants to connect with their Creator God through His Word.

Over nine years ago, the Lord opened doors for Jeff to begin a solid Bible-teaching ministry in Brazil. He has been teaching near and around Natal, Brazil several times a year over this time span.

Over the years Jeff met many believers interested in growing in the knowledge of the Word and recently teamed up with Rui Demasceno, pastor of Dunas Bible Church in Natal, to form Artios Ministries with the goals of:
  • Equipping pastors,
  • Transforming ministries,
  • Verse by verse
Artios Ministries is dedicated to equipping pastors with God’s Word. They train pastors in accurate Bible study methods, emphasizing a grammatical, literal, historical hermeneutic. Through intensive discipleship, they empower pastors to effectively lead their church ministries with depth and clarity. The Truths of God’s Word are shared verse by verse, book by book.

Artios Ministries is searching for men who are willing to teach others and invest in the next generation of church leaders. Please be in prayer for Jeff’s mission trip there from May 7–14 where he’ll be teaching Colossians to over 50 pastors and church leaders.

For additional information on Artios Ministries, click here.

Bible Framework web (in)sites

Recent Studies

If you haven’t already done so, please check out several of Charles’ newer messages on the Bible Framework Applied website:
Thinking Through Ministering in an LGBTQ+ Culture
The Christian Citizen – Part 1
The Christian Citizen – Part 2
The Incarnation: What it Took in History

The Incarnation: Summary

"Framework for Families"

For those of you with children / grandchildren / Sunday School students, etc. who are looking for a family-friendly Bible curriculum (based on the Bible Framework), don’t forget to check out the outstanding Interlocked series developed by Jen and Amos Kwok. 

They have added a podcast option and are offering a new Zoom class to go through Interlocked starting in Sept. 2024.

Interlocked is also available in Español (Spanish) and Deutsch (German).

We Love Your Feedback

We are always willing to take your suggestions on how we can improve the Biblical Framework websites (both www.bibleframework.org and www.bibleframeworkapplied.org). Please provide your inputs on the Update Requests form.

Prayer Requests

For Charles to formulate new features in the first section of the original Bible Framework series that will help users grasp the key features of the Framework approach to the Bible.

For Carol Clough in managing Charles’ medications and dietary needs to keep him in optimum health – both physically and mentally.

For Jeff and Artios Ministries for eager-to-learn minds, wisdom, guidance, divine provision, the furtherance of the gospel and God’s Word especially during their teaching event May 7–14.

For the folks at West Houston Bible Church who work continuously to manage website issues, respond to orders for the many series available, and order the necessary supplies. This year they have worked hard to make the entire Framework available on one thumb-drive in addition to the traditional sets of multiple DVDs and CDs. On the website there is also a link to a ZIP file that includes all of the Bible Framework lessons for immediate download.
Bible Framework Facebook Page
Bible Framework Website
Copyright © 2024 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401
Bible Framework Ministries · PO Box 1820 · Bellaire, TX 77401 · USA

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp

Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q3 2023
I’ve been wondering why I haven’t received a Biblical Framework newsletter for a while …

Over the past year Charles has experienced some health issues so he has not been able to write the quarterly newsletter. His latest health issue dealt with his heart.

So what happened to Charles and his heart?

There are two types of “heart failure”—ischemic and nonischemic. Ischemic heart failures are the classic “heart attacks” like Houston Pastor Rev. Dunn recently had, which are due to blood clots and associated obstructions to blood flow to the heart. The heart can’t get enough oxygen and so goes into a life-threatening “shut down.” Treatment includes installation of stents and clot-clearing strategies. 

Nonischemic heart myopathy is the kind I have in which the “ejection fraction” of the heart drops from 50–70% to, in my case, 30%. This loss of “heart power” is due to a weakened heart muscle and “leaky” heart valves. Sometimes such leaky heart valves can be surgically repaired. But my leaky valve is in a central area of major blood flow that cannot be surgically repaired (too life-threatening). Treatment includes an extended exposure to a selected set of experimental medications that have a reasonable probability of strengthening heart muscle.

In spite of being in the hospital only 4-½ days, I am amazed at how weak my muscles became. A home nursing team regularly visits our house and is guiding me through an increasingly rigorous set of exercises. 

Now that I think back on how I’ve been increasingly tired after teaching, I see that my situation was slowly building. It was only 2–3 years ago that I had to stop my seven Labor Day addresses at North Stonington, CT. So that is why I have cancelled future travel engagements to focus on researching and developing four to six lessons that I plan on recording at our local church with high-quality video, audio, and slides. These lessons will be the “missing” Part 1 of the Biblical Framework series, currently entitled “The Bible Framework Strategy,” replacing the lessons that are currently available in Part 1 of the Biblical Framework.

I’d like to give you some idea of a new focus on the authority of Scripture in every area of life. So here is a draft of a 3-minute address to our local school board to show their total disregard for the anti-Christian origin of the present-day subjective identity theory embedded in every area of the school curricula from the LGBTQ to Trans issue. 

Maryland’s Department of Education with its total capitulation to subjective theories of personal identity either never carefully researched where these ideas came from, or, if they did such research, deliberately chose to follow the Freudian view that personal identity arises from one’s sexual desires and gendered object.

To build state educational identity policy on Freud means that Freud’s known hatred of the biblical category of man being made in God’s image, male and female, an objective identity methodology, no longer is acceptable. Not acceptable to you, but a required, undeniable part of any biblically informed teacher and parent.

Both parties involved here face the situation of an irresistible force meeting an immovable object. Neither side can yield. We can only look for a series of legal challenges to the state policy. 

For those who are interested in the background of this issue, I recommend Dr. Rosaria Champagne Butterfield’s Openness Unhindered: Further Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert on Sexual Identity and Union with Christ. With her PhD in Queer studies and former leader of LGBTQ studies at the university level, Dr. Butterfield has been a wonderful informant on the tactics and worldview of the LGBTQ and Trans policies that public school systems are cramming down the throat of parents.

In my forthcoming introduction to the Biblical Framework, I will delve into such undiscussed subjects as political salvation vs. biblical salvation, God-honoring views of mathematics vs. idolatrous views that retarded mathematic development and scientific advancement. Stay tuned …

Bible Framework web (in)sites

We are greatly anticipating the recording and production of Charles’ new messages for the Introduction to the Biblical Framework (Part 1). Please pray for Charles to have the strength and wisdom to put this information together and make it available via video and audio.

Over the next month we’ll be adding a couple of new series to the Bible Framework Applied website based on several of Charles’ recent messages. Topics include "The Incarnation" and "The Christian Citizen".

We are always willing to take your suggestions on how we can improve the Biblical Framework websites (both www.bibleframework.org and www.bibleframeworkapplied.org). Please provide your inputs on the Update Requests form.

Prayer Requests

Bible Framework Part 1: For Charles to formulate new features in the first section of the original Bible Framework series that will help users grasp the key features of the Framework approach to the Bible.

Charles’ health: Please be in prayer for continued improvement in Charles’ health and that he can gain strength and stamina in the coming days. Also for the time and ability to research the materials he needs to develop the Bible Framework Part 1.

Bible Framework Facebook Page
Bible Framework Website
Copyright © 2023 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401

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Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q3 2022
Why are we late with this 3rd quarter newsletter?
Two unforeseen events occurred to me that unexpectedly required hours of immediate attention. These were the kind of things that occasionally happen to Christian ministries. The first event happened in the third week of August when my bank’s Security Department reported very suspicious entries in my family checking account. They promptly locked our checking account from all activity, and a week or so later created a new checking account for us. It took many hours of my time over a period of five weeks to get through to a human at each of my bill payees and have them switch to the new account.

The second unforeseen event occurred in mid-September when the pastor of our local church in Jarrettsville, Maryland decided to retire after 33 years of ministry with us. For years his wife had been a nurse at the county public school system. She had signed her contract for 2022–2023 school year only to be told that she would have to supervise a dormitory now open to both boys and girls for overnight sessions at a school environmental campsite. She rightfully refused and lost her job as so many Christians have lost their jobs for similar reasons. So, instead of the planned retirement one year from now, they retired right away.

I relate these two events to thank you all for your continued prayers for this ministry. I also mention them to warn you that cybercrimes are happening more and more as the influence of the Judeo-Christian revelation wains and paganism resurges. Be careful! Also, you might check with your local church leadership to see whether they have a strategy in place in case your pastor has a serious health problem or retires.

Report on our Vice President's (Jeff Phipps) mission to northern Brazil

We continue to work hard in Brazil in our mission to reach the growing church there with the transformative power of God’s Word. On every trip, we make contact with a new local church that is open to verse-by-verse teaching. There is humility among these Brazilian believers and hunger for sound Bible teaching. This is a very exciting opportunity and time for the Body of Christ there.

Brazil is not without its challenges. The Body of Christ has many difficulties related to syncretism. In the past, Spiritism, Voodoo, and Bantu have been practiced. Charismatic churches are rife with their influence. These cultural influences have resulted in a strong influence of mysticism across all evangelical churches. There is also the issue of idolatry that comes with Catholicism, where saints are venerated and worshipped. This can lead to putting Jesus on the mantle as just another saint to be worshipped. Although the church is breaking free of these trappings, consistent, sound Bible teaching is lacking.

It is our approach to all of these problems to teach verse-by-verse and to integrate specific lessons from the Bible Framework into our plans. In our effort to edify the body of Christ there, the Framework teaching has been an invaluable resource and antidote.

We would like to ask for your prayers for these issues as well as for the financial resources necessary to translate the Framework derivative, Interlocked, into Portuguese. We would also like to ask for your prayers for our upcoming Pastors’ Conference in Natal, Brazil in December as well.

Sound Bible-teaching churches are growing. It is becoming increasingly popular among pastors, church leaders, and most importantly, congregations, to teach verse-by-verse. God’s Word is powerful. God’s Word changes lives! It continues to be our focus.

Bible Framework web (in)sites

Charles has rerecorded Bible Framework lesson #96 for a much-improved user listening experience.

Based on a user suggestion, the Course Notes for the Bible Framework have been revised. The page numbers (shown at the top of the Acrobat PDF application) now reflect the page numbers on the pages. For example, in Part 2, page 14 in the PDF is now associated with the page numbered 14 in the document, not the 14th page of the PDF. Please let us know your suggestions on how we can make the Bible Framework materials easier for you to use and access.

The content of the flash/thumb/USB drives (mentioned in the Prayer Requests above) is also available for download from the two websites. These are large ZIP files that contain all of the materials on the Bible Framework flash/thumb drive or Bible Framework Applied flash/thumb drive, if you’d like quick access to the content and/or would like to create your own flash/thumb drive to distribute to other believers.

Interlocked – The Bible Framework derivative designed for teenagers – is now available in English, Spanish, and German, with a Portuguese version currently under development. Amos and Jen Kwok have also developed Interlocked Children’s Edition, for children around 10–12 years old and as young as 7.

The Kwoks have also created Come and See – a 12-session evangelistic presentation of the main message of the Bible. It was designed for those who want to explore what the Bible says about who God is—His revelation and claims about Himself; for those seeking to find out more about Christianity.

Bayside Community Church
Guest Speaker November 6, 2022
3333 Bayshore Blvd,
Tampa, FL 33629,
Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM

At our local church, Jarrettsville Fellowship Chapel, I will be doing a team teaching on 1 John 1:1–2:11 with a younger man eager to prepare and teach. I thought that by having an old guy and a young guy team teach it would illustrate why local Bible churches need to plan on “passing the baton” to the younger generation. If we don’t, our churches will soon die off. The exact time of this ministry is yet to be decided but probably will be during December and January. See Sermon Directory - Fellowship Chapel on our church website for the schedule and recordings.

31st Annual Pre-Trib Study Group conference
December 5-7, 2022
at the Sheraton-Grand Hotel—DFW Airport, Irving, Texas

The ministry will be represented with a display table. Please stop by and say hello if you’re also attending.
Prayer Requests

Bible Framework Part 1: For me to formulate new features in the first section of the original Bible Framework series that will help users grasp the key features of the Framework approach to the Bible.

Framework Staff: For the folks in the West Houston Bible Church who work continuously to manage the Bible Framework website issues, respond to orders for the many series available, and order the necessary supplies. This year they have worked hard to make the entire Bible Framework and Bible Framework Applied materials available on single flash/thumb/USB drives in addition to the traditional sets of multiple DVDs and CDs. All Bible Framework materials are available for ordering free of charge.

Christian Framework: Charles would appreciate your prayer support for his teaching of “Christian Framework” at Chafer Seminary. He is currently teaching part 1, with part 2 being offered in the Spring semester.

Bible Framework Facebook Page
Bible Framework Website
Copyright © 2022 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401
Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q2 2022
Comments from students of the Bible Framework

From time to time we receive comments from viewers and listeners to http://bibleframework.org. Sometimes the comments point out our errors (for which we are thankful). Other times they ask where they can find certain topics. And sometimes they offer encouragement over the truth presented. Recently we received this insightful comment:

“I was listening to Lesson 2 in the Framework. Mr. Clough was talking about the need in language to classify. He used the illustration of a child learning language and was learning about dogs.  . . . [Mr. Clough said] ‘We can’t talk without classifying. That is one of the pre-conditions for knowledge, that the universe around us is classifiable.  . . . If today the little child is learning that a cat isn’t a dog and that a sheep isn’t a dog, and then during the night the animals transmute their form, what happens to the learning process? Obviously, it stops in confusion.  . . . How do we connect this with Scripture? [Classification] implies that to know anything, I have to know there is a stability in the real world outside of me that I can genuinely learn about.’ ”

“It struck me like a ton of bricks that all the push for gender and preferred pronouns and ‘dead names’ and all of this confusion being shoved onto small children (from ages 3 up) has exactly the effect [Mr. Clough] spoke about. It blows up the ability to classify, thereby destroying both knowledge and the ability to communicate.  . . . This is a devious way for the devil to prevent, in the most insidious way, the ability to communicate the truths of scripture and thereby the gospel. This issue is more than morality. It is the very destruction of the ability to communicate anything and most importantly the truths of God.

“Thank you for this series; I am loving it.”

Notice the reasoning in this comment. Framework lessons 1 and 2 do not discuss contemporary educational philosophy of gender fluidity. But this person saw how those lessons provide tools for seeing through such delusions and points to the clash with core ideas in the Bible.  That realization we desire for every student of the Bible Framework!

Ministry notes

A series of commitments to my local church as well as last minute requests have occupied much of my time this quarter.

In May, my pastor contracted COVID and asked me to fill in on short notice. So, for the fifth time this year I had to prepare teaching material for our local church. The topic of this lesson is entitled Living in the Cosmos.

In March I also added a fifth lesson to the Revelational Foundations series dealing with the Tower of Babel, entitled Genesis 9–11 - The Rise and Fall of the Second Civilization.

I also filled in for my pastor on July 3. We are expecting that lesson (the Faith Rest Drill) will be available on the Bible Framework Applied website within a month.

On June 21 I was asked to participate in an online educational conference hosted by Colorado Biblical University (CBU) in Ft. Morgan, CO and Vyrsity in Ft. Dodge, IA. Both institutions have been created recently by Dr. Christopher Cone to teach the usual undergraduate level courses taught in secular universities, but include insights from biblical thought.

My topic was “Foundations of Socio-Political Thought”. I presented what the Biblical Framework describes as God’s created social institutions of humanity, i.e., individual responsibility, marriage, family, and the post-Fall institution of civil government. I pointed out the damage done to these foundational institutions by the Fall. I stressed that contrary to contemporary thought and government policies, they are NOT mere human traditions but are built into our very human nature. Because of this unchangeable nature, they cause increasingly strong points of tension with ever-changing, hasty, and often thoughtlessly implemented government policies.

Since the bulk of my lecture focused on Genesis 1–11, I added two concluding topics. One topic was “The Controversy over Monarchy in Ancient Israel” from Deuteronomy 17:14–20 and 1 Samuel 8:5–18.  The other topic was “The Political Innovation of David” from the accounts in 1 and 2 Samuel. As you can imagine, the thrust of these two subjects aim at the very similar increasing centralization of civil authority in our country.

We’ll be adding this presentation to the Bible Framework Applied website as soon as the materials are made available to us.

Dr. Cone thanked this ministry: “[Your presentation] was outstanding and will be a blessing to Vyrsity and CBU students.”

Of course, none of this work would be possible without your faithful prayers and support!

Bible Framework Web (in)sites

As mentioned above, Mr. Clough has added a fifth lesson entitled Genesis 9–11 - The Rise and Fall of the Second Civilization (the new topic features the Tower of Babel) to his Revelational Foundations series, which is now available on the www.bibleframeworkapplied.org website.

Mr. Clough’s recently taught Living in the Cosmos lesson is now available on the Bible Framework Applied website under the Divine Institutions series.

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about the Bible Framework being available for children and young adults, as well as for those who speak Spanish. There are children/young adult/Spanish courses that have been developed by a talented couple from Singapore. These links are available on the Bible Framework Applied website. Why not take a quick look at the Overview of Interlocked today to get an idea of what’s in this course material? Don’t miss taking The “10-Cent” Tour included in this document! We highly recommend these courses for your young people—or even for a Bible Framework refresher for yourself!

We recently made the Bible Framework course and Bible Framework Applied materials available for ordering on Flash/jump drives (see the 1Q22 Bible Framework newsletter). We’ve taken that one step further and now offer a single (large) compressed ZIP file that can be downloaded from the respective websites. You can now easily download all of the Bible Framework materials and not have to wait for shipping. This is especially helpful for our overseas listeners. As always, we value your feedback regarding issues you might be having with the websites. Please let us know if we can help improve your ability to access Bible Framework information.


Bayside Community Church
Guest Speaker July 10, 2022 
3333 Bayshore Blvd,
Tampa, FL 33629,
Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM

Prayer Requests

For me to resist commitments that are impeding work on the Bible Framework website upgrades.

For a wise use of lessons learned during the last two decades from interaction with Framework attendees at various venues.

For the folks that work continuously to manage website issues, respond to orders for the many series available, and order the necessary supplies.

For increased exposure to believers hungry for guidance on applying scriptural truths to the perplexities of modern life throughout the world.

Bible Framework Facebook Page
Bible Framework Website
Copyright © 2022 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401
Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q1 2022
Ministry notes

After presenting a paper on Babel as a 4,000-year political delusion at the Pre-Trib Study Group conference in December, I was asked by my local church pastor to fill in for him for four Sundays in January and February.

Since the theme this year in our local church was Christ Our Foundation, I thought that it would help some of our newer people to be reminded that prior to the Incarnation of the Son of God, He was present at Creation, the Fall, and all subsequent events. In a series entitled Revelational Foundations, I presented a condensed form of the Bible Framework truth-events of creation (both Genesis 1 and the 6th day recapitulation in Genesis 2), the Fall event in Genesis 3, and the rise and fall of the first civilization in Genesis 4–6. This is valuable revelation of the divine nature expressed in the Incarnation some 4,000 years later.  

To further emphasize that the Bible makes clear that its revelation applies to the entire created environment surrounding us, I displayed various reading materials on subjects thought by most people who have been educated in the secular-dominated public-school classrooms to be religiously “neutral.” I laid out books that refuted the usual scientific claim that the earth is very old, the alleged claim that we have proof of such old age from radioactive decay measurements, and the belief that mathematics and God are not related. Here are some of the books: Each of these books has a vital story for the enlightenment of Christians who have spent many years trying to be educated by secular-dominated elementary, high-school, and university culture.

The first book, The Genesis Flood, was a bomb shell in the conservative evangelical community in 1960.  It took a chemist-turned-Old-Testament professor (Whitcomb) and a hydrodynamic-trained Civil Engineer (Morris) over 10 years to formulate the case to return to a literal, historic interpretation of Genesis 1–11.

Sadly, because most of the evangelical community had, for 160 years, uncritically accepted the claims of historic science concerning the age of the earth and had readjusted their interpretation of Genesis 1–11, no evangelical, dispensational publisher would touch the manuscript! Whitcomb and Morris insisted that the strategy of constantly accommodating the Genesis text to whatever happened to be the latest pontification of historic science, had done nothing to defend the Bible.

They decided to follow a radically different strategy. They started with submitting to the authority of Scripture and then began to fashion historical science to fit Scripture. When Dr. Rousas Rushdoony, a leader in the theonomic community, read the manuscript, he realized the significance of what Whitcomb and Morris had done and convinced the Presbyterian Publishing Company to publish it.

The second book, Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, was the first million-dollar research project designed by scientists who worked within the creationist community that had resulted from Whitcomb and Morris’ earlier pioneering work.

Whereas The Genesis Flood had focused on reinterpreting the observed geological strata, this project focused on the methodology used to assign dates to the geological evidence. Taking some years to complete this research project revealed that many assumptions of the radioisotope methods were unjustified and produced widely varying dates of specific geological samples.

The third book, Mathematics: Is God Silent? was written by a math teacher to middle-school students.  He was troubled by students who saw no purpose in studying math and by other Christian math teachers who denied that biblical revelation had any connection to mathematics.

The first half of this book discusses how mankind has used mathematics to advance civilization and how in particular the early scientists in Europe operated within a worldview that linked mathematics to their physical environment and deepened their appreciation of God. The second half of Nickel’s book delves into the objectives and pedagogy of teaching mathematics such that students grasp the overall structure of math. Within the last few years Nickel has completed a series of books that present the details of a complete math curriculum for middle-school students.

A dear friend of mine recently wrote me: “As a bit of a side note, have you seen the Dance of Number curriculum that James Nickel put together? It took him a long time (I think it came out only within the last 5 years or so), but it looks to me like an excellent approach to grades 7–10 mathematics. He emphasizes learning concepts and developing “number sense” and he explicitly points to the Triune God as the foundation of mathematics along the way. I also like his approach to not try to split out geometry, trigonometry, probability, etc. into isolated components, but to advance mathematics as a whole throughout the curriculum. This summer I shared it with a friend who has been through the 224-Lesson Bible Framework course. I shared it with him because he has a son in upper elementary school that wants to be a scientist (and work at the Creation Museum!), but he (the dad) has fallen in love with it and is working through the curriculum himself!”

I put these three books on display at the front of our church by the pulpit so folks could browse through them after the church service. As Bible-believing Christians who have read through the Bible and have experienced the Bible Framework approach, we should begin to re-interpret all the secular courses in our educational background.

We should guide our children and grandchildren to be “cultural rebels” as Christian parents and grandparents who lived under Communist suppression in Romania and Slovakia taught their children. These children, now old adults, appreciate what their parents did for them. Rod Dreher recounts some of these stories in his book, Live Not by Lies.

Bible Framework Web (in)sites

Highlights from the Bible Framework website:

The 224-lesson Bible Framework course is now available to order on a single flash/jump drive. The flash drive is ideal for listening to the Framework on your car’s audio system that has a USB A port or on a laptop that does not have a DVD/CD player. Of course, it’s useful on a standard computer as well. Some TVs and stereos will also play the MP3 files included on this drive.

Do you want to listen to the Framework on the go? Try subscribing to the Framework Podcasts on your mobile device.
Highlights from the Bible Framework Applied website:
New: Charles Clough’s Revelational Foundations series in video and audio formats.
New:The Babel Delusion” presentation from the 2021 Pre-Trib Study Group.
New: Flash/Jump drive now available for order with all Bible Framework Applied materials, plus bonus materials on Global Warming.

Links to Interlocked – the family-friendly (teenage) version of the Bible Framework – are available in English and Spanish.

Links to Podcasts of various Framework Applied series and instructions on how to set up podcasts on your electronic device can now be easily found on the Podcast Links page.

Transcripts of the Bible Framework Applied lessons are now searchable with an updated search feature, accessible from the main menu, under the Search tab.


Bayside Community Church
Guest Speaker July 10, 2022 
3333 Bayshore Blvd,
Tampa, FL 33629,
Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM

Prayer Requests

For continued exposure of the Bible Framework websites to the global community.

For updating and improvements to the original Bible Framework website, including a video series for Part 1 of the Framework explaining why the Framework is structured the way it is.

For developmental efforts for the new Bible Framework Applied website and addition of new materials.

For Charlie’s and Carol’s continued good health.

Bible Framework Facebook Page
Bible Framework Website
Copyright © 2022 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401

Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?

You're receiving this newsletter because you signed up or ordered materials from us.
Q4 2021
Ministry notes

Since the last newsletter I have had three opportunities to minister the Word of God.

In October I was invited to the Helms School of Government at Liberty University. They scheduled me to interact with their students in three government classes and in an open student forum. The forum topic was “How to Frame Any Issue Biblically.” I needed a vivid illustration of what education meant to the Pilgrim culture in New England that would contrast with today’s totally secularized government-run educational system.

So, in each of the classes, I showed them this picture of the largely unknown Monument to the Forefathers a few blocks west of the Mayflower exhibit in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The American public became more aware of this monument due to Kirk Cameron’s role in the 2012 movie “Monumental.” Built over a number of decades in the 19th century, this monument details on its four sides the Puritan view of morality, legal requirements for business to function, education, and political freedom. In this picture I took on the northwest side of the monument, you see at the top Lady Faith pointing upward toward Heaven and holding the Bible in her left hand—the necessary presupposition of a godly society. Below her is Lady Morality holding the Bible opened to the Ten Commandments. To the right is Mr. Law holding a business contract. We had good follow up discussions in all three classes.

My second ministry opportunity in November was at the Bayside Community Church in Tampa, Florida. I shared sections of my paper for the annual Pre-Trib Study Group.

Babel – What Happened and What Are the Implications for Us?

Babel – How it Frames the Last 4,000 Years of Human History

In December I presented a paper entitled “The Babel Delusion: A 4000+ Year Religious and Political Fantasy”, at the Pre-Trib Study Group Conference at the Sheraton–DFW airport. The paper is a new expansion of the Babel event briefly discussed in the current 224-lesson Biblical Framework course. Just as the Fall is an event that captures the strategy Satan used with Adam and Eve which characterizes all subsequent history, so, too, the Babel event captures a “second fall” that is a strategy behind all attempted tyrannies in subsequent history. The paper and slides are now available on the www.BibleFrameworkApplied.org website. The video and audio will be added in the next month or so. Moreover, the results of this study will augment the existing Framework structure.

BFM Web (in)sites

We’ve been working on some updates to both the BibleFramework.org and BibleFrameworkApplied.org websites over the past couple of months.

Many have inquired as to what has happened to Mr. Clough’s teachings such as Deuteronomy or 1 John, since they are no longer available on the BibleFramework.org website. So, we’ve included a pop-up that activates when you initially go to BibleFramework.org that has a link to the new BibleFrameworkApplied.org website, for those seeking additional teaching by Charles Clough.

Note: The Ministry encourages you to listen to the full 224-lesson Bible Framework series (available at www.bibleframework.org) before listening to the Bible Framework Applied studies, as these “Applied” studies are just that – the application of the Framework.

There’s also an enhanced Search feature now available on both websites, which provides more robust search results. Just click on the Search link in the top menu on both sites to access this feature. Instructions on how to use this updated feature are found there along with the “box” to enter your key words.

Another feature for both websites is a Podcast links page accessible from each site’s home page. You can now easily find the links for podcasts by going to the Podcast link under the “… Lessons” menu option at the top of the home page on each site. (Click here for Bible Framework podcasts. Click here for Bible Framework Applied podcasts.)

Note: If you have previously subscribed to one or more podcasts for the Bible Framework Applied studies (such as Deuteronomy, 1 John, etc.), you need to update your subscriptions to the podcast(s) as the links have changed. Please go to the podcast links page on the BibleFrameworkApplied.org website, copy the appropriate link, and paste it into the area of your podcast application where you can add a podcast/show by URL.

The order form on the BibleFrameworkApplied.org website is now enabled. You can order the Bible Framework Applied studies for free with various media options: disk (CD or DVD) or Flash/jump drive.


Bayside Community Church
Guest Speaker March 6, 2022
3333 Bayshore Blvd,
Tampa, FL 33629,
Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM

Chafer Seminary Pastors’ Conference
West Houston Bible Church
March 7–9, 2022

Prayer Requests

For continued exposure of the Bible Framework websites to the global community.

For updating and improvements to the original Bible Framework website.

For developmental efforts for the new Bible Framework Applied website.

For Charlie’s and Carol’s continued good health.

For upcoming ministry at Tampa Bayside Community Church.

For meeting of Chafer Seminary Board and other interactions during the upcoming Pastors’ Conference at West Houston Bible Church.

For God’s guidance in constructing the new Section 1 of the Framework.

Bible Framework Facebook Page
Bible Framework Website
Copyright © 2021 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401

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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.


Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?
Q3 2021
Ministry Notes

Bible Framework Ministries now has two websites: www.BibleFramework.org and www.BibleFrameworkApplied.org. The first contains only the Bible Framework study materials. The second contains all other related materials (such as Deuteronomy and 1 John as well as the more concise series from conferences) and is currently under development.

We are developing this complementary site to help people avoid confusion over what the Bible Framework is. People sometimes listen to or view various series that I have done in different locations to specific groups that requested a limited presentation, and then they think that they have been exposed enough to my teaching to know the Bible Framework itself. By having two websites we hope to lessen that confusion.

Here’s an example of what you’ll find on the Bible Framework Applied site. Suppose you want to access the new free “Framework for Families” (i.e., Interlocked) version—a condensed version of the Bible Framework with colored diagrams in addition to teaching materials for parents and children. Go to www.BibleFrameworkApplied.org. On the title bar click on BIBLE FRAMEWORK APPLIED LESSONS. You will then see all the various materials that were formerly on the original website.

Now look at the left margin—Bible Lessons Applying the Bible Framework—click on the first item under that title: “Interlocked – Framework for Families”.

You will then see links to two websites hosted in Singapore. One is for Interlocked in English and a second is for Interlocked in Spanish. Both versions were written at a language level that should be understandable for students of age 15 and up. Extra work was done in the Spanish version to make the Spanish understandable to people who speak in the major Spanish dialects throughout Latin America.

The Interlocked lesson series was written for use by parents in the home and for groups of children and parents. Why? Because in the Bible parents are primarily responsible for the spiritual education of their children—not the Church, which typically provides an hour or two on Sundays, nor the government school systems that have become increasingly dominated by anti-biblical agendas.

Interlocked was tested by parents in Canada, the USA, and Singapore to get suggestions for improving the series. It begins with guidelines on how to cover each lesson in about two hours, whether all at once or in two one-hour sessions. Parents who at first felt unqualified to teach the lessons quickly found out after going through the first few lessons that they could do it. Just read the many different ways you can teach it in the Interlocked introductory material.

Using this material with your children or grandchildren is a great way to know how they think about God and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

BFM (In)Sites

If you’ve been looking for the Bible study materials (such as 1 John and Deuteronomy) that were previously found on the www.BibleFramework.org website, you can now access them while we’re developing the new www.BibleFrameworkApplied.org website. This new site also includes access to several videos of Charles Clough’s teachings. Please “pardon our dust” as we develop and reorganize this site.

Have You Checked Out the Updated Bible Framework Order Form?

Bible Framework materials are now available on flash drives (Free, of course)
  • Do you want to play Framework lessons on a laptop that doesn’t have a DVD/CD drive? Order a Framework flash drive.
  • Are you interested in playing the Deuteronomy MP3 files on the go and you don’t have an MP3 CD-player in your car? Order the Bible Framework Applied flash drive (available for shipment by October 1).
Changes in technology require changes in the way we distribute the Bible Framework materials. We are now offering the Bible Framework as well as all of the materials available on the www.BibleFrameworkApplied.org website on convenient flash drives. Hint: These drives are easy to duplicate and you can copy them and give them to your friends!
Go to the Course Order Form on www.BibleFramework.org to place an order for the free Bible Framework and Bible Framework Applied media disks. (Our apologies that the order form on the Bible Framework Applied website is currently not working.)


Liberty University
October 7–8, 2021
Helms School of Government
Open Student Forum, evening of October 7
Several classes both days
(Hopefully the Forum will be videoed and eventually be available at

Bayside Community Church
Guest Speaker November 28, 2021
3333 Bayshore Blvd,
Tampa, FL 33629,
Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM

30th Annual Pre-Trib Study Group conference
December 6–8, 2021
Location: Sheraton Grand Hotel—DFW Airport, Irving, Texas
Topic: “The Babel Delusion,” 3:30 pm, December 7, 2021

Prayer Requests
For continued exposure of the Bible Framework websites to the global community.

For updating and improvements to the original Bible Framework website.

For developmental efforts for the new Bible Framework Applied website.

For Charlie’s and Carol’s continued good health.

For Charlie’s presentations at Liberty University, Bayside Community Church, and the Pre-Trib Study Group conference.

Thankfulness to our heavenly Father for answered prayers for our global outreach as well as the restoration of Charlie’s and Carol’s health after COVID.
Bible Framework Facebook Page
Bible Framework Website
Copyright © 2021 Biblical Framework Ministries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401

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Over and over again we are seeing the results of our culture’s rejection of God’s design. Does the Bible show us how to pray and order our choices to undercut the nearly ubiquitous pagan culture?

You're receiving this newsletter because you signed up or ordered materials from us.
Q1 & Q2 2021
Ministry notes

In our last newsletter I traced out the underlying logical relationship of the categories present in nearly every conversation we have with others. Whether we are conscious of these categories or not, they are always involved in our thinking and speaking.  Here they are again: 

(1) our view of reality (either Nature is all there is; or there is the Creator separate from Nature and Nature is His creation derived from and dependent upon Him);

(2) our authority or method of determining what is true and what is false (either reasoning; or experiencing and observing; or feeling and choosing; or God’s historic revelation in human language; or some combination of these)

(3) our view of what is right (just) and wrong (unjust) (depending upon our authority or method determining what is true or what is false, it can be derived by reasoning from some sort of idea of human nature, or from our experience with social consequences of certain actions, or from the social design of man found in God’s historic revelation with the promise of divine judgment of every person).

The present “woke” culture comes from Marxist thought (Nature is all there is; limited reason and/or social experience) and follows the classic Marxist vision that to transform society all present social traditions—individual responsibility, marriage, family, and civil government—must be destroyed and replaced with ????  Marxism’s view of its future has never been articulated. Thus, everywhere it’s been tried, it ends in destruction and never gets to its utopian vision. Marxism has an unavoidable dead-end eschatology. By contrast, biblical Christianity has a prophesied and partially accomplished eschatology in the historic resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.

Our problem is that most people involved in this woke movement are almost entirely obsessed with the top layer in the 4-layer diagram—the social order of political conversation. They respond to anyone questioning their beliefs by trying to shame them into silence with accusations of “racism” or some such slogan. Sadly, increasing numbers of Christian leaders are either so intimidated that they remain silent, or try to incorporate some bits and pieces of cultural Marxism in their teaching. In my church we’ve seen dozens of new believers from such compromised ministries take the painful steps of leaving churches they once loved, supported, and served. Our church has become a spiritual recovery place for them.

We need to do some serious praying for those trapped in this “woke” culture, keep as peaceable as possible relationship with them, and be ready to testify to the biblical view of reality, truth, and justice as a total, integrated life-affirming belief system (1 Pet. 3:15).

Here are some resource materials you may find useful in doing so with my suggestions.
Erwin Lutzer, We Will Not Be Silenced (Eugene Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 2020). Lutzer takes nine chapters to survey the present anti-biblical society-wide influences and the strategies behind them. He says, “I write not so much to redeem the culture as to reclaim the church.” Each chapter ends with a focused prayer for us to stand for biblical truth about that chapter’s theme but do so compassionately. After all, the final solution is the gospel of grace and truth together. Framework students need to take the time to consciously link each chapter to one or more framework nodes.  For example, after reading chapter 2 (“Rewrite the Past to Control the Future”) think how God gave special revelation at specific times and places with the constant Old Testament admonition to “remember” this history in order to obtain meaning and hope for life under God. However, today’s radicals follow Marxist strategy to suppress American history influenced as it was by biblical truths. Then by rewriting what is taught in school, this influence is erased making special revelation utterly irrelevant to personal and social behavior.  

For parents and their students heading off to college a quick source of the latest events of interest to Christian students on university campuses can be found at https://www.campusreform.org/.  This site is not specifically Christian, but it is conservative. By definition of the word “conservative”, those of a conservative mindset do share an important parallel to biblical Christianity—the belief that truth is timeless—it doesn’t change. 

I have room in this newsletter for only one more resource item. Because our truth authority is God’s historic verbal revelation preserved in the Bible, there is a quick read paperback series written by John Cross entitled No Ordinary Story published by Goodseed in Canada. One can read each of the ten volumes in a week spending only two five-minute sessions per day. Three of the volumes—“No Ordinary Book”, “No Ordinary Verdict”, and “No Ordinary Return”—lay out the three framework nodes—God’s historic revelation, His judgment and grace, and the return of Jesus Christ to culminate history. I think so much of this series that I am giving the three key volumes to each of my granddaughters who are soon heading off to college. If they show me they take the three volume set thoughtfully, I will give them the other seven volumes.  You can do the same for family and friends with whom you have developed a respectful relationship.


Bayside Community Church
Guest Speaker May 30, 2021 
3333 Bayshore Blvd,
Tampa, FL 33629,
Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM

Prayer Requests

First of all, we’d like to thank our ever gracious heavenly Father for His answers to our petitions in the previous newsletter.
  • Charlie has been able to successfully complete his editing work on the 55-lesson Interlocked course (i.e., Framework for Families) developed by a wonderful couple in Singapore. It is targeted for teenagers and is now available online.
  • Charlie is nearing the successful completion of the Christian Framework 2 course being taught through Chafer Theological Seminary.
  • His continued provision for all that we need both spiritually and bodily.
For continued exposure of the Bible Framework website to the global community.

For guidance and God-honoring presentation of the upcoming “Bible Framework Implications” website.

For continued healing of Charlie’s cardiac condition.

BFM Web (In)Sites

We are reorganizing material on the website so that the Bible Framework itself will be distinctly separate from a new site involving resource materials such as annotated bibliographies, various presentations I have made with my explanation of how the topic relates to the Bible Framework, and exhibits of what some Framework students have done with the Framework approach to encourage others to do likewise. This secondary site will likely be entitled something like “Bible Framework Implications.” Temporarily during this reorganization, the current website will have only the Bible Framework series itself. Other materials that have been on the website are still available through the order form on the Bible Framework Ministries website. We hope to have this secondary site up and functioning by the fourth quarter of this year.

A second option has been added for contributing to BFM. In addition to donating through the popular processor PayPal, we’ve included the Christian-based Cornerstone Payment Systems credit card processor. You do not have to have an account with Cornerstone. You just enter your credit card or e-check information and your donation is securely processed.

Thank you again for those who have contributed to this ministry. Without your support we could not continue this ministry, especially to those in the third world who often are unable to afford the CDs, DVDs, and printed materials.

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Our mailing address is:
Biblical Framework Ministries, P.O. Box 1820, Bellaire, TX  77401