Our Relationship with God in 2018: Estranged or Intimate?

A Study of the Character of God as He has Revealed Himself vs. the Substitute Idols of our Neo-Pagan Culture

Seven-part Labor Day Conference series at North Stonington Bible Church on September 1-3, 2018

This seven-part Labor Day series focuses upon God’s character and our design as made in His image in order that we can view the core of our relationship with Him—whether we have a redeemed relationship at all, have an estranged one due to our carnality, or have an intimate one as we walk with Him in our daily life.

Nine of His clearly revealed attributes are set over nine corresponding deep needs we have as those made in His image.

Because we live in a fallen world, this series warns us about the two central lies of Satan that he has repeatedly injected into human thought ever since Eden. As each attribute is discussed, a portion is devoted to how he encourages us to create idolatrous counterfeits to the true nature of God—all of which repeatedly fail in history to fulfill our deepest needs individually and corporately.

Each of the 7 lessons in audio are accompanied on this site with the slides that were used and a detailed outline that indicates when and why each slide was used.

To listen to the Our Relationship with God in 2018: Estranged or Intimate? series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software:



Because the attributes of God lie at the core of the relationship between Him and all mankind made in His image, Charlie’s wife, Carol, during the early years of their four sons, would sing the following song to them each night before bed. We discovered that early on the boys clearly realized what each attribute meant even though they were of pre-kindergarten and early elementary school grade ages!

The well-known Christian children’s song, Praise Him, Praise Him, All ye Little Children can be found on the Internet. It focuses on only one of God’s attributes. So Carol added some others. The first stanza classic lyrics look like this: “Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love”.

Carol then substituted the following attributes for the last two clauses repeating before each one “Praise Him, praise him, all ye little children.”

  • God is sovereign, He is king
  • God is omnipotent, He can do all
  • God is omniscient, He sees and knows all
  • God is omnipresent, He is with you everywhere
  • God is holy, He cannot sin
  • God is righteous, He only does right
  • God is just, He punishes sin
  • God is immutable, He never changes
  • God is eternal, He doesn’t have a beginning or end
  • God is love, He loves you.

For example, the first stanza was “Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children, God is sovereign, He is king.” Granted that these attribute clauses don’t fit the rhythm of the classical hymn, but this rhythmic break draws attention to the attribute mentioned.

Sermons in this series