Sermons in this series
Thu, Mar 07, 1996
The pagan response to evil and suffering. The biblical response to evil and suffering. When you pray for the end of evil and suffering, you are praying for the end of history. Patterns of suffering. Suffering: the steps of the biblical coping strategy.
Thu, Feb 29, 1996
The effects of the fall of man on nature’s design. Everything produced by man is contaminated by the fall. Pagan strategies and the biblical strategy for coping with suffering and evil. Questions and answers.
Thu, Feb 15, 1996
Evil and man. In paganism, the universe is and will always be good and evil. The effects of sin on man’s body and spirit. The effects of sin on the Divine Institutions. How modern paganism addresses the problems sin creates. Questions and answers.
Thu, Feb 08, 1996
Guest speaker: today’s literary criticism, from the university to the public schools, reflects a pagan worldview. The biblical and the pagan views of evil. The intense antagonism toward Christianity betrays that, deep down, pagans know it’s true. Suffering. God has a rational and just answer for what He does, but does not see fit to always reveal that answer to man.