Chapter 4 – The Death of the King

Oct 1999 - Feb 2000

**Please note that there is a navigation bar at the bottom of the page that enables you to go to the next page for additional lessons in this chapter.

Sermons in this series
Thu, Feb 24, 2000
Duration: 46 mins 10 secs
What is the relationship of the Cross of Christ to unbelievers and angels? The Cross changes the final condemnation of unbelievers from sin to unbelief. The Cross dooms fallen angels. The atonement is the sole legal basis for all grace. God calls all men to Himself with an atonement big enough for all people. God administers salvation asymmetrically. The fundamental difference between Roman Catholicism and the Protestantism of the Reformation. Whatever good exists is due to God. Evil exists because of rejection of God. [Lesson ends prematurely]
Thu, Feb 17, 2000
Duration: 1 hr 9 mins 57 secs

Using a magazine article to illustrate pagan tactical use of language. Words and language are very deeply and profoundly spiritual. Satan cannot deceive by presenting bulk error; he always includes enough undeniable truth. Questions and answers.

The text for the Love Article is included at the bottom of the transcript for Lesson #139.

Thu, Feb 10, 2000
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs

How to use the Biblical Framework over against the pagan world system. Unbelief does not endure because it doesn’t fit the universe the way God made it. Paul in Athens. Pagan tactical and strategic use of language. Questions and answers.

Note:The text for the Love Article is included at the bottom of the transcript.

Thu, Feb 03, 2000
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins
Review of the interconnected Biblical Framework, from creation through the death of Jesus Christ. Identifying and challenging the pagan worldview. Using major biblical themes as a yardstick for evaluation. The Bible is a story of the disruption of sinful civilization. The Bible is coherent! Questions and answers.