Sermons in this series
Thu, Mar 20, 1997
Characteristics of revelation (continued). When man creates his own gods, he’s defining his own reality. The Bible insists that the source for values, ethics, and law must be God. Revelation is comprehensive. When God speaks His revelation, He speaks to all areas of life. Revelation is prophetic. Christianity has over fourteen centuries of prophets (beginning with Moses), all basically saying the same thing. No other religion (paganism) can claim that. The relationship between inspiration and revelation. The inerrancy of Scripture. The Bible, not the church is the authority.
Thu, Mar 06, 1997
Apart from the Scriptures, there is no absolute reference point for values, ethics, and law. The Mosaic Law’s object was to address the heart then, secondarily, social behavior. The free grace and lordship salvation views. Characteristics of revelation. Revelation is verbal, not a feeling. Revelation is personal, a message from a personal God. Revelation does not happen all the time. Questions and answers.
Thu, Feb 27, 1997
The Mount Sinai event was public revelation. The Mosaic Law is defined in terms of a personal relationship. The biblical view versus the pagan view of values, ethics, and law. In a sinless environment, it was essential for God to define things. How much more in a fallen environment. Fallen man, at the deepest level, is insecure because he knows he’s offensive to God. How the Pharisees bureaucratized the Law. Paganism always seesaws between legalism and licentiousness. Free grace versus lordship salvation. Questions and answers.
Thu, Feb 20, 1997
Connecting major events of the Bible with events in your life. The exodus is a counterpart to pagan revolution. At Mount Sinai, all the people heard God speaking. Suzerain-vassal treaty form. The prophets did not introduce new, revolutionary ideas. They, instead, went back to the ideas of Moses. The outline of Israel’s national history (cursing and blessing). The biblical view versus the pagan view of values, ethics, and law. “If society were it’s own moral authority (the determiner of right and wrong), there would be no room for reformers.” Questions and answers.