Sermons in this series
Thu, Jun 04, 1998
Passage: Daniel
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 5 secs

**Please note that the audio file has recently been improved (1/21)**

Living in the exile. The Mosaic Law is one of the great normative pieces of legislation in the history of man. God never taxed His people’s capital, only their income and only at a flat rate. When God’s laws are put into practice, they work. The definition of biblical revelation. How critics attack the Book of Daniel and evidences that disprove their attacks. The apocalyptic vision gives us confidence to live, recognizing that the world is passing away.
Thu, May 28, 1998

The doctrine of separation. The format and purpose of apocalyptic literature. The emphasis in separation is not on what you are doing or where you are living, but how you think. The connection between separation and apocalyptic literature. Apocalyptic literature cuts pagan power down to size and says God has a final plan in history. [Lesson ends prematurely]

Note that the audio quality of this lesson is now much improved.

Thu, May 21, 1998

Due to technical difficulties part of this lesson was not recorded.

Since the common values and common ideas of a pagan unbelieving society have paganism as their source, functioning in a pagan society can, in a sense, be “serving other gods.” True biblical separation begins with the renewing of our minds. Three core counterfeits to true biblical separation: physical separation, capitulation, accommodation. Apocalyptic literature provides an energizing motive to stand against the relentless pressure to give in to pagan society. Questions and answers.

Thu, May 14, 1998
Passage: Daniel 2-3
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins 41 secs
A wise believer in a pagan society. Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and the fiery furnace. An example of how quickly society can turn demonic. Paganism dissipates, distorts, and perverts truth. There cannot be harmony between paganism and the Word of God. A classic statement of godly civil disobedience and the spirit in which it is given. Two repercussions of the exile. The differences between prophetic and apocalyptic literature. Questions and answers.