Sermons in this series
Thu, Feb 06, 1997
The exodus comes very close to defining what salvation is all about. God is always gracious before He judges. All of God’s judgments perfectly discriminate. In God’s judgments, salvation is always appropriated by faith. Salvation is not complete until both body and spirit are saved. Features of the resurrection body. Redemption, propitiation, and reconciliation. With God you cannot lose! If you are against God, you cannot win! Questions and answers.
Thu, Jan 30, 1997
The character of how God disrupts paganism. The Word of God will either increase someone’s rebellion or induce submission to God. There is a rational connection between the exodus event and the call of Abraham. The sacred name of God. Jesus Christ’s use of the sacred name of God. The lesson of the exodus is that civilization cannot remove the fall. God took His people and walked out from the greatest existing civilization. Characteristics of God’s judgments. Part of God’s justice is restitutionary in nature. Questions and answers.
Thu, Jan 23, 1997
The exodus was a momentous event! The “god of the world” (Satan) is busy reconstructing history so as to make the Word of God not true (mythologized). When we read the Scriptures, we should read them as history. What is the big picture of the exodus? The glory of God is the controlling principle in history. God hardened Pharaoh’s heart by giving him more revelation. The Bible presents a coherent, rational purpose for history.
Thu, Jan 16, 1997
The reason for the Egyptian captivity. Egypt can be considered the historic womb of the nation Israel. The structure of Egyptian society. How did Egyptian society view Pharaoh? The exodus took place in the most unlikely politically and socially structured society in human history. The plagues prior to the exodus. The exodus. Rethinking Egyptian history and classic chronology. Questions and answers.