Sermons in this series
Thu, Apr 16, 1998
The Bible is a progressive revelation of God over centuries of time. The twelve tribes of Israel fractured, during the period of the judges, because they did not have a unified world view. The period of the monarchy. David as a model of godliness and Saul as a model of ungodliness. In one sense, sanctification is a form of divine parenting. Sanctification is not the same as justification.
Thu, Apr 09, 1998
Review of God’s covenants. The New Covenant promises Israel’s restoration to the land. Reasons for suffering. How a holy, righteous God reconciles Himself to a sinful people. The Cross solved an Old Testament mystery.
Thu, Apr 02, 1998
How God sets up history. Every heresy in Church history was, fundamentally, preceded by a false answer to the question: What is God like? Miracles are never and have never been a test of orthodoxy. The land covenant with Israel. God supplies the righteousness necessary to bless the nation of Israel. The failure of Israel demonstrates that the flesh cannot consistently obey the Word of God. The promises to Abraham are ultimately promises to regenerate Israel.
Thu, Mar 26, 1998
Two themes of the prophets. The prophets interpreted history in relation to the covenants. The national anthem of Israel. The Mosaic Law was not the product of men, but God’s revelation of what pleases and displeases Him. The consequences of breaking God’s covenant. The prophets were God’s spokesmen and historians. The Coniah curse. Questions and answers.