Sermons in this series
Thu, Feb 25, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 30 secs
Review of the evidences for Christ’s deity. Implications of the hypostatic union. Jesus Christ is the final and most complete revelation of God. Our personal history has eternal consequences. Questions and answers.
Thu, Feb 18, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 23 secs
False views of Jesus Christ’s humanity, throughout church history, compared to the biblical doctrine of the hypostatic union. If Christ is not God, worshiping Him is blasphemy. Questions and answers.
Thu, Feb 11, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 15 mins 23 secs
New Testament passages that speak of the full deity of Jesus Christ. God is not dependent on His creation for anything. False models for God, throughout Church history, compared to the biblical Trinitarian model. Questions and answers.
Thu, Jan 21, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 28 mins 16 secs
We should not study the Bible from the New Testament backwards, but instead, from the Old Testament forward. Three categories of evidence for the person of Christ. (1) Two categories of prophecy converge in human history. (2) Jesus Christ substituted for God in Old Testament passages, quoted in the New Testament. (3) Jesus Christ does the same things God is said to do. Questions and answers.