Sermons in this series
Thu, Jan 15, 1998
How kings should operate (the Davidic/Messianic leadership model). The structure of a psalm. David spares Saul’s life and places his trust entirely in the Lord. Psalm chapter 57. Questions and answers.
Thu, Jan 08, 1998
The aim of sanctification is loyalty to God. Responses to the world system: capitulation, accommodation, separation, or engagement filtered through the Word of God. Strong sanctification leads to biblical culture that reflects that sanctification. Characteristics of biblical culture. Questions and answers.
Thu, Dec 18, 1997
The biblical model for a political leader. Solomon: religious apostasy, international treaties, and religiously mixed marriages. Solomon confused the wisdom of God with the wisdom of men. Sanctification shapes believers to live with God for eternity. The parts of sanctification. The need for sanctification would exist even if Adam had not sinned. Models of sanctification: Jesus Christ, Adam, David, and the nation Israel. Questions and answers.
Thu, Dec 11, 1997
How biblical wisdom generates culture. Good and evil cannot be separated without righteous violence. The true and the false view of wisdom. The features of wisdom. A wise culture will have wise legislation. A foolish culture will have foolish legislation. As long as man stays within the constraints of wisdom, God gives him creative freedom. A society without a wisdom structure will lack creativity. Where biblical wisdom plays a role in the believer’s life. Rebellion against the Word of God has profound effects on society. Questions and answers.