Appendix – The Millennial Issue

Oct 1998 - Nov 1998
Sermons in this series
Thu, Nov 05, 1998
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 28 secs
Eschatology. Comparing the three views of the Millennium (part 4). Premillennialism has a very high view of what it takes to bring in the Kingdom and what the Kingdom will be (catastrophic origins, miraculous geophysical and biological changes). Interpreting Old Testament prophecy related to the Kingdom. Kingdom implications of a biblical view of nature and a biblical view of man.
Thu, Oct 22, 1998
Duration: 1 hr 25 mins 6 secs
Eschatology. On a pagan basis, there is no future resolution in history. Any pagan who is optimistic about history is borrowing from Scripture or is a naïve sentimentalist. Comparing the three views of the Millennium (part 3). Features of amillenialism (continued). Features of postmillennialism. Questions and answers.
Thu, Oct 15, 1998
Duration: 1 hr 23 mins 56 secs
Eschatology. Comparing the three views of the Millennium (part 2). Premillenialists throughout church history. Features of premillenialism. Features of amillenialism. Questions and answers.
Thu, Oct 08, 1998
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 12 secs
Eschatology. Everyone has an eschatology, but, apart from the Bible, no one has a correct eschatology. The glory of God is a higher goal than salvation. “The kingdom of God” is not a synonym for Heaven. What is the relationship of the church to “the Kingdom of God?” Comparing the three views of the Millennium (part 1). The power and historical consequences of various eschatologies. Questions and answers.