Biblical Framework Ministries, Inc. (BFM) is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that relies completely upon unsolicited donations for funding. We believe this policy reflects the grace policy of God. He has provided for eternal salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, has given clear information throughout history of His will for our lives, and has preserved the truths of His plan in the Bible—all without any dependence upon human merit. Therefore we do not charge for any of the material offered on this web site.
Giving is a privilege for those who have responded to and appreciate the revelation of our Creator, Judge, and Savior. Contributions to this ministry are used for general operating costs including procurement and reproduction of CDs, DVDs, and other materials used to distribute BFM materials; research and development of new materials; and travel costs for Mr. Clough’s speaking engagements. From time to time BFM will also provide financial support to other ministries that share our values and vision, which are expounded in our Framework teachings and in our statement (“What We Believe”). Donations can be made to Biblical Framework Ministries and sent to:
Biblical Framework Ministries
P.O. Box 1820
Bellaire, TX 77401
We protect donors’ privacy and do not share donor information with any other ministry or business. Donors will receive a summary receipt for tax return purposes by January 31 for the previous year. This receipt itemizes all of the contributions with dates and amounts.
Following the apostolic example of financial transparency (2 Corinthians 8:20–21) BFM’s annual financial statement is available upon request to Larry.
If you are motivated to give to this ministry, please visit our Donate page.
Biblical Framework Ministries rests upon the Bible’s own view of itself rather than imposing upon it pagan notions of language, sense experience, and logic. The biblical text insists that God created man and nature in such a way that He is revealed everywhere and always to every person. It denies the ancient and enduring pagan notion of spontaneous generation of order from chaos. In the Bible alone, therefore, lies the only rationale for the way we all inevitably use language, sensory data, and logic to ascertain truth, including scientific truth.
The Bible uniquely and repeatedly speaks of a post-creation rebellion against God that has led to discord in both natural and human history. Natural and human evil is thus an abnormality of existence—not an essential component of existence. Only here emerges a comprehensive explanation for the universal experience of our deep sense of alienation from God and the abnormality of present existence. The many failed attempts of man to live out individual and corporate fantasies of an “OK” world are unflatteringly exposed for the illusions they are.
The Bible is the product of a unique nation that possessed two characteristics shared with no other nation or religion. While treaties and business contracts were common everywhere, only Israel had contracts with God. Important implications follow. First, the transcendent Creator has come down to man’s level to bargain, argue, and commit Himself to a defined, historically observable behavior. Second, a literal hermeneutic of interpreting related biblical texts is established. And third, the meaning of such texts must be conserved for the duration of the contracts. Old Testament terminology, therefore, retains its meaning when cited in the New Testament.
Israel also uniquely possessed a multi-millennial-long series of prophets whom God used to administer contract sanctions and historic predictions. Such a line of diverse personalities who spoke and wrote a self-consistent series of documents cannot be found in any pagan tradition. With this foundation in a two-millennia-long historical demonstration of the rationality and purposefulness of history, the Bible alone provides us useable knowledge about the march of time and our place in it. The biblical authors report God’s progressive revelation of history’s ultimate goal—when good and evil and life and death will be eternally separated, never to mix again. Unlike the pagan imagination that wrongly diagnoses the situation and therefore devises fallacious schemes of individual, societal, and global self-improvement, the Bible testifies to the only real solution of the ultimate problem—the ethical reconciliation of man with God. Only after that is achieved can there be corporate eternal joy in the very Presence of God.
Central to this biblical view of history in which God comes down to man is the Incarnation—the unique Person of Jesus Christ who as God the Son incarnate demonstrated “normal” human existence in obedience to God the Father by relying upon God the Holy Spirit’s empowerment. In contrast to pagan hero-leaders, the Lord Jesus perfectly manifested grace and truth as He met every test we commonly experience, and successfully completed the necessary atonement for humanity’s rebellion against God on the Cross. Although temporarily rejected as the Messiah by Israel, Jesus is now gathering those who believe on Him from every people group on earth in order to complete the church, which is His Body for the next stage of history.
Quite the opposite of pagan imaginations of the future, therefore, we place our faith and hope upon Jesus Christ as the historically resurrected and ascended Leader of the new humanity from whom alone we receive the eternal life that He came to bring. In Him the final stage of history has already begun and cannot be stopped by any power. All men everywhere must confront Jesus Christ in faith as Savior or in unbelief as Judge regarding their eternal destiny. He will physically return to the planet and to His special nation Israel to usher in a competent, ethically incorruptible global governance, supernatural environmental transformation, comprehensive world peace, and real economic prosperity.
“Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” (Colossians 2:8 NKJV)
“For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5-6 NKJV)
The purpose of our ministry is to encourage Christians to apply biblical concepts to every area of their lives.
To that end we produce materials that strive to:
Biblical Framework Ministries, Inc. (BFM) is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that relies completely upon unsolicited donations for funding. We believe this policy reflects the grace policy of God. He has provided for eternal salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, has given clear information throughout history of His will for our lives, and has preserved the truths of His plan in the Bible—all without any dependence upon human merit. Therefore we do not charge for any of the material offered on this web site.
Giving is a privilege for those who have responded to and appreciate the revelation of our Creator, Judge, and Savior. Contributions to this ministry are used for general operating costs including procurement and reproduction of CDs, DVDs, and other supplies, shipping expenses, and other materials used to distribute BFM materials; research and development of new materials; and travel costs for Mr. Clough’s speaking engagements. From time to time BFM will also provide financial support to other ministries that share our values and vision, which are expounded in our Framework teachings and in our statement (“What We Believe”). Donations can be made to Biblical Framework Ministries and sent to:
Biblical Framework Ministries
P.O. Box 1820
Bellaire, TX 77401
Or you can make a donation directly online via one of our donation portals:
through the Christian-based Cornerstone Payment Systems |
or PayPal:
We protect donors’ privacy and do not share donor information with any other ministry or business. Donors will receive a summary receipt for tax return purposes by January 31 for the previous year. This receipt itemizes all of the contributions with dates and amounts.
Following the apostolic example of financial transparency (2 Corinthians 8:20–21) BFM’s annual financial statement is available upon request to Larry.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization we rely heavily on grace offerings. These gifts can be in the form of money or time. If you are led to help this ministry with your time and would like to volunteer, please contact Jeff.
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver”. (2 Corinthians 9:7 NKJV)
The following are published books written by or contributed to by Charles Clough. Other articles and writings may be found under the Essays and Articles menu.
by Ed Hindson and Thomas Ice; Endorsement (below) by Charles Clough
(Material for Chapters 5 and 11 comes from the Framework)
Dr. Tommy Ice has produced several books that depict biblical doctrines and events with concise explanations and artistic charts. In this recent publication (2016), Dr. Ice and his co-author, Dr. Hindson, provide readers with forty short, well-written chapters illustrating biblical concepts in their chronological sequence. They correctly point out that the Bible is unique among religious books because it is “rooted in past history” and “predicts future history.” The Bible is actually a sixty-six book library that reports on God’s coherent, verbal revelation through dozens of authors from widely varying social standings and a panorama of personal circumstances over two millennia. Together with its specific prophecies, many of which have already been precisely fulfilled, it depicts history as linear and teleological in utter contrast to ancient and modern paganism that is circular and meaningless.
Chapter 5 on the Divine Institutions uses material from the Framework to illustrate the created design of human society with its responsible labor, marriage, family, civil authority, and tribal diversity. Readers are thus reminded that these features of civilization are not mere “social constructs” as modern unbelief claims. Chapter 11 presents one of the powerful Framework evidences—the post-flood exponential decay curves of human longevity—that early Genesis historical narratives are to be taken literally, modern criticism to the contrary notwithstanding.
by Andrew Woods; Endorsement (below) by Charles Clough
Every student of the Word of God who honors a straightforward approach to the biblical text uncontaminated with post-modern language theory will treasure this work by Dr. Woods. The normal literal understanding of the Kingdom of God revealed through the Hebrew prophets of the Old Testament has faced increasing opposition by a wide array of evangelical scholars, writers, and social activists for the past several decades. Woods here provides us with the fruit of his many years of detailed examination of each such attempt to redefine the Kingdom of God to make it compatible with ecumenical “dialogues,” charismatic power evangelism, the prosperity gospel, lordship salvation, and political opposition to Israel. As a lawyer as well as a theologian, Woods takes his readers through a logically coherent defense of traditional dispensationalism’s view of Jesus’ coming Zion-centered, geophysical, political, and global reign over planet earth. He honors the God of verbal revelation Who has spoken over millennia with self-consistent integrity.
by Grant Hawley, editor; Endorsement (below) by Charles Clough
Bold Grace editor, Grant Hawley, has brought us a concise, clear exposition of Free Grace Theology. Laymen and Bible scholars alike will find it a handy reference for understanding this oft-misunderstood refinement of Protestant soteriology that advances the biblical distinction between justification and sanctification. Four authors discuss five subject areas where Wayne Grudem has recently claimed Free Grace Theology diminishes the gospel. I appreciated how each of the authors—all with actual ministerial experience—showed how distinguishing between initial salvation wholly of grace at conversion and subsequent sanctification involving works and rewards not only clarifies historically troublesome passages but also motivates godly living rather than hindering it as critics claim. Believers who are struggling to overcome deeply entrenched sin patterns will especially appreciate the empowerment that the assurance of God’s love provides.
by Mark Musser; Endorsement (below) by Charles Clough
Mr. Musser exposes the powerful religious and philosophical undercurrents that are sweeping the “green” tsunami over our political landscape. In a day of sound-bite rhetoric and fund-raising memos obsessed with the latest scary story of alleged damage to “Mother Nature”, we often are too overwhelmed to see the flow from big ideas to big consequences. As one trained in modern environmental studies and experienced in actual environmental policy regulations, Musser ably deconstructs the Third Reich’s green connection—a sobering exhibit of what happens when ancient Baalist nature-worship coalesces with modern totalitarian bureaucracy. This is a lesson that biblical green “creation care” must learn or suffer the consequences of ignoring it.
by Joel Furches; Forward (below) by Charles Clough
The conflict of ideas between biblical faith and pagan culture has gone on for millennia and its core has remained largely unchanged. Either reality, truth, and ethics are as the Bible states, or they derive from the imaginings of finite, fallen man aided by the deceptions of principalities and powers of this world-order. In the Old Testament times of ancient Israel the revealed supernatural cosmogony of Genesis radically clashed with the pagan naturalistic cosmology as expressed in Enuma Elish and other pagan writings. The same conflict occurred in the early centuries of Church history between Christians and Roman pagans. It was renewed between the sola scriptura authority of Protestantism and the subjective anthropocentricity of the so-called Enlightenment. Finally it continues in the post-Darwinian era today between what remains of biblical Christianity and the New Atheism.
As Joel Furches states, the New Atheism is far more evangelistic than older classical atheism and often appears very intimidating to believers whose understanding of the Word of God and its interpretation of the facts is shallow. Thankfully, the New Atheism repeats old arguments that have been answered repeatedly, projects a pretense of morality that hangs in mid-air like a magician’s levitation act, often gets its facts backward, and is presuppositionally unaware of its own foundation. While accusing Christians of irrationality, the New Atheists commit logical blunders of their own. In trying to show that biblical religion conflicts with empirical evidences from historical science, archeology, historiography, and textual criticism, they seem to forget that the debate isn't over the facts. It's over the interpretation of the facts. Facts are mute. Facts alone don't speak for themselves. They are interpreted by their interpreters’ worldviews.
Worldview discussions require comprehensive knowledge and skill often beyond that attainable by people educated only in a secularized, government-controlled system. But fruitful discussions between Christians and honestly seeking unbelievers can happen when they focus on specific straightforward questions. From his research on the kind of objections the New Atheists have popularized, Furches has assembled a mass of apologetic details with which to meet this challenge. He provides wise advice on when to question, when to listen, and when to talk. He gives the reader sample conversations to follow that help to avoid being endlessly diverted from the core of the gospel.
This volume stands in the tradition of empirical apologetics. It will guide the reader in dealing with the common and often ignorant conjectures thrown out in public conversation such as the supposed unreliability of the biblical text when other ancient books with far less textual evidence are casually accepted without question. This handy work ought to encourage believers that the Christian faith is rational, factually based, and able to withstand the closest of examinations. Furches is to be commended for his emphasis on the centrality of the Lord Jesus Christ and His resurrection. After all, if faced with death with which historic religious leader would one want to converse about what lies beyond the grave?
by Dennis Rokser; Endorsement (below) by Charles Clough
This book is a valuable tool for counseling the many believers who have become confused about their assurance of salvation. Pastor Rokser gets the reader right into many specific Scripture passages including the so-called problem passages. He clarifies the difference between forensically perfect justification and subsequent variable sanctification; between objective security and subjective assurance. A loving pastoral spirit permeates the book with homey illustrations and helpful diagrams. Highly recommended especially for those believers struggling with life-dominating sins.
Anti-dispensationalists repeatedly insist that dispensational theology offers no purpose for the church Age that truly advances history toward the Kingdom of God. They infer this largely because on prophecy charts the Church Age is often depicted as a parenthesis. But that parenthesis is part of a chart that depicts Israel’s historical destiny; it is not a picture of what the Church is doing. Back in 1967, Mr. Clough wrote an essay on the purpose of the Church Age and the political implications for a class taught by Dr. John Walvoord at Dallas Theological Seminary. In 2013, Dr. Christopher Cone of Tyndale Seminary was preparing a book on a dispensational interpretation of Israel’s New Covenant to show distinctions between Israel and the Church implied in the texts concerning that covenant. He asked Mr. Clough to write two chapters in the book entitled, “Socio-political Implications of the New Covenant” and “Historical Progress While the New Covenant Awaits Implementation.” These chapters show clearly how the Church in this age is building the basis for the return of Jesus Christ to Israel and establishment of His global, visible Kingdom. This book can be purchased from Tyndale Seminary Press.
Responding to the Government’s Declaration that “Marriage” is Merely a Social Construct that Can be Changed at Will
By Charles Clough
Due to a very successful campaign waged by certain activists, the traditional Judeo-Christian concept of marriage as a divinely designed relationship exclusively between one man and one woman has been virtually criminalized. Expression of that concept in the public square—whether in school, in government agencies including the military, and in business—now meets with overwhelming disdain and even judicial punishment. Underlying this action by civil authorities is the assumption that marriage is merely a social construct that can and ought to be changed in response to public opinion. Thus two mutually contradictory notions of marriage—a mutable social construct and an immutable divine institution—appear in the wedding service when the pastor or other church officer pronounces the couple man and wife while acting as an agent of both the state and the Lord Jesus Christ. The proposal put forth in this document argues that Bible-believing churches in those civil jurisdictions which have written the biblical view of marriage out of their law must now respond by separating the civil portion of marriage from the ecclesiastical portion and eliminate it from the wedding service. The wedding service itself must now include a robust public defense of one-man-one-woman marriage based upon God’s design. Appendices supply suggested topics to include in such a defense, a letter of official notice to the state government officials of the church’s new wedding procedure, and a sample exchange with government authorities over this matter of marriage. This book can be purchased from Tyndale Seminary Press.
This collection of writings by Charles Clough represent his application of the Framework to various specific subjects not covered in detail in the Framework course lessons. Other articles and writings may be found in Publications.
Paper published in August 2016 by the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation
The paper explains how at least three powerful non-scientific influences have confused the climate change debate and thus weaken the science involved. However, this highly visible controversy provides an excellent training opportunity for Christians to “test all things, hold fast what is good” (1 Thess. 5:21). Contemporary discussion of climate change suffers from an uncritical acceptance of (1) a revived pagan notion of placing Nature ethically above Man; (2) an incestuous relationship between scientific research priorities and politically allocated funding; and (3) global socialism’s capture of climate change as the means to redistribute the world’s wealth. The last half of the paper provides an example of using the Biblical Framework as a tool to critique an ongoing socio-political dialog.
Sin, Deception, and the Corruption of Science: A Look at the So-Called Climate Crisis by Charles Clough
Fellowship Chapel, Jarrettsville, Maryland
This is a model amendment to a local church’s Constitution or By-Laws to sever the link between the State government authority with its definition of marriage and the biblical authority with its definition of marriage. Here’s why Fellowship Chapel in Jarrettsville, Maryland unanimously adopted this amendment in 2016. Both state and federal governments have insisted that they have the right to redefine the noun “marriage” and thus redefine laws pertaining to marriage contracts issued by civil governments.
The unstated and largely ignored assumption underlying this action is that marriage is merely a “social construct”—something originally constructed by society and therefore re-definable whenever the dominate socio-political norms change. Once this assumption is granted, then and only then, can the notion of “equality” for all citizens whether heterosexual, homosexual, polygamist, etc., logically follow. Popular discussion, unfortunately, has erroneously made equality the central issue instead of re-definability of marriage the issue. However, if God Himself instituted marriage to express the anatomically, psychologically, and spiritually different design and purpose of man and woman, marriage is not a “social construct” and therefore as part of reality cannot be justifiably re-defined. Thus Bible-believing citizens cannot and will not agree with any definition of marriage other than that of one-man-and-one-woman. And they do so not to demean any group of citizens as they have been falsely accused by those who misconstrue the argument.
This model amendment, therefore, separates the legal action of initiating re-defined civil marriage from the Christian action of initiating un-redefined biblical marriage. This action liberates the pastor and any of his surrogates from having to act as legal agents of an over-extended state government. In the second and third paragraphs the amendment also contains an explanation (suggested by an attorney who works on church-state issues) of the harm to the church’s faith and practice if compelled to accept the state’s re-defined view of marriage concerning membership or employment.
Constitutional Amendment Concerning Marriage and the Wedding Service by Fellowship Chapel
Essay written for the 2011 Chafer Theological Seminary Pastors’ Conference
To understand sanctification prior to the Church Age requires consideration of the degrees of continuity and discontinuity between the Old and New Testaments. Should we take New Testament revelation regarding sanctification and project that back into the Old Testament? Or shall we attempt to understand Old Testament sanctification on its own terms? This decision requires consideration of the dynamics of progressive revelation: is the “progress” mainly a progress in understanding God’s virtually unchanging work, or is it a sequential progress in that work itself? How one answers this question largely determines how one views Old Testament positional sanctification.
Sanctification Under the Old Testament Theocracy by Charles A. Clough
Essays written for the 2008 and 2009 annual Pre-Trib Rapture Study Group Conferences
PART 1. Should we interpret texts that describe cosmic geophysical catastrophes as referring to actual phenomena or as merely figurative language referencing socio-political upheavals? Or, perhaps, should we interpret them as figurative language without an actual historical referent at all but as emotionally stimulating imagery of God’s grandeur in judging mankind? All these options are currently on the table in the evangelical community. Unfortunately, one cannot delve into the relevant hermeneutical details without immediately becoming entangled in a wide web of background issues ... I attempt in this paper to explore briefly some figurative interpretation methodology used to interpret language of biblical cosmic catastrophes in cases of liberal and evangelical commentators ... Then, I attempt to provide suggestions for a biblically-based hermeneutic of the language of end-time geophysical catastrophes.
PART 2. Nearly everyone today agrees that to understand a text the interpreter must determine its cultural context. It is not agreed, however, on just how this is to be done. In this paper I will attempt to understand the cultural context of the authors who wrote of geophysical catastrophes—both judgmental and re-creative—by applying the hermeneutical suggestions described in Part 1.
Interpreting Texts on End-Time Geophysical Catastrophes by Charles A. Clough
Essay written in 2002 for a chapter in Mal Couch, God Has Spoken (AMG Publishers, 2003), but severely edited beyond recognition by AMG
What is apologetics? How is it related to theology? These questions have concerned the greatest minds of the Church because apologetics is inescapable. It has been forced upon believers in every generation including ours. How should we in the twenty-first century reply to arguments against biblical faith that neighbors and fellow-workers read in prominent news magazines? How should Bible-believing students and faculty members answer hostile criticism within academic establishments that have become totally compromised by pagan ideas? How should we respond to apostles of political correctness when they accuse Christianity of inherent religious bigotry? How do Christians engage unbelief in their children, spouses, or parents? What should be our answer to Christ-denying claims by the many religions and cults? Today, more than ever, apologetics plays a vital role in Christian witness.
Thank you for your interest in further Bible studies. Bible Framework Ministries is in the process of reviewing and editing earlier courses taught by Charles Clough. Many of these lessons are on old cassette tapes or old reel-to-reel. It is a very labor-intensive process converting to a digital format and many lessons are not suitable quality for publication. If there is a particular series that you may be interested in please send us a message or contact the ministry via e-mail at .
Currently we have the following series available for listening online or downloading to your computer/electronic device:
Special study by Brooks Shertzer:
Charles Clough has taught these classes at churches with video-recording capability:
Charles Clough was also one of the featured speakers at recent seminars at Chafer Theological Seminary:
Charles Clough and Robert Dean were the officiants at the memorial service for Dr. George Meisinger, Chancellor of Chafer Seminary
Rather than reading the Bible through the eyes of modern secularism, this provocative six-part course teaches you to read the Bible through its own eyes—as a record of God’s dealing with the human race. When you read it at this level, you will discover reasons to worship God in areas of life you probably never before associated with “religion.”
Click here to view/download the overview of the Biblical Framework for Worship and Obedience in an Age of Global Deception brochure. You can order printed copies of the brochure on the Order Course page.
To listen to the entire Bible Framework course as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software: Please make sure you visit the Download course notes page to download the supporting materials such as the course notes which Mr. Clough references during his Bible classes. |