Chapter 4 – The Historical Maturing of the Church

Mar 2002 - Nov 2002

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Sermons in this series
Thu, Sep 19, 2002
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins 4 secs
The reason for and review of the Biblical Framework. The Bible cannot be taught in isolation from everything else. Biblical doctrines should be associated with great biblical events. One reason for anti-Semitism is a hatred for the fact that God runs history His way. The Bible proclaims that God speaks publicly. Questions and answers.
Thu, May 30, 2002
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 12 secs
The carnal mind is at war with God. There is no neutrality in sanctification. The believer is either maturing or not. The dimensions of sanctification. Every other religion in the world demands that man approach God based on his own merit. What occurs at salvation? Ritual uncleanness, in the Old Testament, related to coming into contact with the results of the fall. Confession and restoration to fellowship. The enemies of sanctification.
Thu, May 23, 2002
Duration: 1 hr 25 mins 51 secs
Sanctification in the Church Age. The phases of sanctification. The aim of sanctification. Jesus Christ’s humanity went through a sanctification process. The dimensions of sanctification. The true definition of “confession.” The means of sanctification. Questions and answers.
Thu, May 16, 2002
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 47 secs
If God’s revelation is not your authority, something else will be. Evolution is ultimately an irrational belief because it destroys categories and, therefore, destroys logic. Church history: the Modernists versus the Fundamentalists. Fundamentalists believe what was once universally held by all Christians. Ministries of the three Persons of the Trinity. The intersession of God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Questions and answers.