Sermons in this series
Thu, Jan 31, 2002
Passage: Acts
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins 53 secs
A story in Acts where divine sovereignty and human responsibility combine. Heresies are like parasites that feed on weaknesses in the church. God uses human means to reach His sovereign ends. There is a personal cause to all things in history. Ministries of God the Holy Spirit on behalf of every believer. Questions and answers.
Thu, Jan 24, 2002
Passage: Genesis 9 & Acts 16
Duration: 1 hr 22 mins 18 secs
The prophesies of Genesis Chapter 9 are related to Paul and Luke’s evangelization of Europe (Acts 16). God the Holy Spirit’s leading of the early church to growth. The dilemma of the early church concerning what is the status of Jewish believers and their relationship to the Law. Paul’s return to Jerusalem. Questions and answers.
Thu, Jan 17, 2002
Duration: 1 hr 25 mins 41 secs
Because of human nature, the Mosaic Law was not successful in motivating obedience. The giving of the Mosaic Law. The Ten Commandments. Most of the Mosaic Law is not repeated in the New Testament. The purpose of the Mosaic Law. Drawing wisdom principles from the Mosaic Law. Questions and answers.
Thu, Jan 10, 2002
Passage: Acts
Duration: 1 hr 31 mins 19 secs
Jesus Christ predicted what would occur in the Book of Acts. The early church addresses what the function and purpose of the Mosaic Law now is and how it relates to Gentile believers. Questions and answers.